L2501 rear tires filled

ken erickson

Well-known member

B7100 hst, 2650 front mount snowblower, L2501 hst qa loader
Nov 21, 2010
Waupaca Wisconsin
I had my rear R-4's filled on the new Kubota L2501 today.
The product used is Bio-Ballast. 30 gallons per tire and should give a weight increase of close to 600 lbs total. It will give me more confidence as my 56 acres is rolling hills.
I still plan on keeping either a box blade or brush cutter on the three point also which will be an additional 500 to 700 lbs.


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New member

l2501hst, 5ft. tiller, box blade and finnish mower, subsoiler and plow
Nov 9, 2017
southwest indiana
I had mine filled before it was delivered, not shure what the dealer called the filler, but was not bio ballast. With the same tires, he said it would add 350lb. per tire, yet I have got the rear off the ground without an implement on the rear.


Well-known member

L2501 HST, BH77 Backhoe, SSQA Loader ZD1011 Mower
Jun 19, 2019
Decatur, AL
Mine also arrived filled. It would be interesting to know how the tractor behaved before they were filled. I'm very nervous on anything resembling an incline.


Active member

L2501 w/ FEL
Apr 15, 2019
Mine also arrived filled. It would be interesting to know how the tractor behaved before they were filled. I'm very nervous on anything resembling an incline.
I didn't have mine filled until about 6 months after owning the tractor. With a bucket 1/2-3/4 full of 3/4" stone you could feel that the back end was very light and made the tractor tippy.

Since getting them filled I also keep my finish mower or brush cutter on the back and the thing is steady as can be.

Since you can't get cast wheel weights with the stock R4 rims that come with the tractor Rim Guard is a huge bonus for the capacity of the loader that comes with the tractor.

ken erickson

Well-known member

B7100 hst, 2650 front mount snowblower, L2501 hst qa loader
Nov 21, 2010
Waupaca Wisconsin
Thanks everyone for the replies , all good information!
I should have the tractor down at my land this coming week and put it to work.
Having the tires filled for sure gives me a bit of peace of mind but I know I will be ever vigilant when working on slopes and hills.



Jul 12, 2016
I brought my new 2501 home without filled tires. After my first year I took it to my dealer for the one year service and had the tire filled with beet juice. I also had the rims moved out to their widest stance. Much better tractor. Much more stable and much more usable. The extra weight makes every operation much better. I also own property with plenty of terrain. Though I still get nervous at times it is much better than before. I am glad I opted to fill the tires after using the tractor for a year as I appreciate what a filled tire does and I think running with out filled tires made me a safer, more cautious, operator.

ken erickson

Well-known member

B7100 hst, 2650 front mount snowblower, L2501 hst qa loader
Nov 21, 2010
Waupaca Wisconsin
Put the new tractor with LP grapple and filled tires to work on my land.
I can not imagine doing this work without having the tires filled, and also looking forward to a box blade or other implement giving me even more rear ballast.
The photo really does not show the terrain very well. This area is also complicated by having stumps that are from 3 to 6 inches above ground level.



Well-known member

BX2370, B2650 grapple, tree puller, trailer mover, 3 point hoist, mower, tiller
Feb 21, 2020
Central, IL
My B2350 rears were filled when ordered with Rim Guard (beet juice). They placed decals near the valve stem to alert tire repair men about the wheels.

Don't know what other shops my do.



2019 L3901 (former - BX2370), 72" Brush Hog, 72" Hydraulic Snow Blade, 3pt Auger
Dec 4, 2019
After a lot of research, I ordered my L3901 from with Rim Guard ballast over having some other form of weight added. We upgraded from a BX2370 with no weight to the L3901 with ballast and the difference when plowing snow and knocking over banks this winter was significant. It's a bigger tractor, so i can't say how much is just the size vs the ballast, but more weight certainly helps.


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
I had my rear R-4's filled on the new Kubota L2501 today.
The product used is Bio-Ballast. 30 gallons per tire and should give a weight increase of close to 600 lbs total. It will give me more confidence as my 56 acres is rolling hills.
I still plan on keeping either a box blade or brush cutter on the three point also which will be an additional 500 to 700 lbs.
Be very careful on side slopes!

I have WW fluid filled tires on the back of my B2910, and a few years ago while using my box blade and filling in a dip, I did not notice how close I got to the small edge (not high at all, maybe 16" max, and the overall slope was very little), and when the tractor did a slow slide to the bottom of the edge and hit the bottom, next thing that happened was a VERY slow tip onto its side. I mean, it took about three seconds to go from upright to on its side.

Convinced me that I need wheel spacers! Which I have not bought yet...

Personally, I think the greatest effect of the rear weight, be it ballast in the tires or something else, is that it keeps the rear tires on the ground when using the loader. Since the front axle is on a center pivot, unless things are perfectly balanced when the rear tires lift, the tractor will tilt to one side or the other until the front axle stop is reached.

Granted, the additional weight of ballast in the rear tires does lower to tractors center of gravity, which is a benefit on side slopes.

My point is: do not get over confident on side slopes after you see the great improvement the weight on the back of the tractor makes when doing loader work. Not saying anyone would...but one could...