I'm not really qualified to offer any advice, but I will offer my current thinking regarding my own choices.
Many years ago I had a couple of 20-40 acre properties in a local area with a variety of uses. I had several different tractors including Ford, Long, and a (trashed)Case over the years, but for the main part I had an old well worn MF T35 (IIRC?) that I got a good deal on with lots of implements and it just did every thing I ever asked, never thought much about it. But all that was sold some 20 years ago when the local economy collapsed and I realized I need to be and do something else.
Now I have a small 1+ acre property in N Phoenix with plans to buy some land up N in the next few years. Heard good things about the older small Kubotas, so thinking "I don't need anything like I had before, this will do.", I bought a sad old B7100. First off, the 3 point ticked me off from day one. Here I moved to a popular tractor several decades newer than my sad old beater and it has an unbelievably (comparatively) primitive 3 point control that I could never seem to "get and keep right". And I thought I was ready to accept the enormous drop in capacity, but I didn't need to run a 8'(ish?) bush-hog mower through heavy grass/hay/silage/corn (or the like) any more. Wrong. Everything I tried to do with that little loader or the 3 point, it seemed like I was pushing or beyond the limits. Just improper expectations on my part. But I still liked the little tractor for what it does well enough (and it's small enough to get around on a little property).
Then I found a decent deal on a B2150. I thought to myself, "now here is a better compromise more in keeping with my earlier experiences". And it had the position control 3 point, which would have been a deal breaker without at this point. Cut to the chase, I still hit the limits every time I turn around. It's stronger and more capable by far, but still only manages a meager 1k lbs on the 3 point, and the loader is only slightly stronger than the B7100. So again, I made a mistake in gauging my own expectations and doing proper due diligence on actual capacity rather than assuming. Though unlike the B7100, it does run the Auger easily that gave the smaller B fits, and it came with a decent sized frame mount Backhoe that I still haven't managed to get rebuilt and in service (partly because I keep waffling on selling it to upgrade again).
So, for me, if I ever decide to get fed up and sell one or both of the 2 little tractors I have, I don't think I would ever get anything less than an L in the orange tractor line. In practical numbers, I certainly don't need another MF like my old one, but I really wish that's what I had gotten again. And the loader on that tractor, in spite of not being all that much physically larger (though much heavier) would easily lift 3+ times what this B2150 does. Is it enough, yeah, but I don't like working around limitations of my equipment or tools, preferring to have more than I need and just getting things done.