Hi Mike,
Sorry for the delay responding - haven’t been on OTT lately.
Yes, the FM62H arrived and I’ve been using it on the L2501. For my use, it is working well and I am happy. The property is quite hilly — sort of terraced, 150’ or so from bottom to the top; and with lots of granite boulders and trees (Oak and Grey Pine). When mowing I put the tractor in Low, and that seems to work well for me. You aren’t supposed to take the FM62 in reverse, which can occasionally make things tricky when doing hills. (I already had 1” spacers on each side of the rear wheels, and I think the sheer weight of the FM62H also helps.)
What I do mow is basically for clearing grass/weeds and some brush. The brush can get up to 5+ feet, but none of it is crazy thick for mowing. If an area is too thick, I just slow down more and maybe do a couple passes instead of one.
I haven’t tried putting the tractor in Med for this. But suspect that could be a struggle. In Low, the L2501/FM62 combo isn’t going to win any speed records. And if someone has lots of acres to mow, I can see running Low could get frustratingly slow.
A side benefit to the FM62 is the ballast. I keep it on there more that I expected I would for loader work.
For mounting, I am using a QH15 and the Big Tool Rack Top Link Hitch Adapter. With top-n-tilt remotes on the rear, this has made it convenient to control the height and reduce ruts.
Hope this helps. If any specific questions, just ask.