L2501 dealer checklist


New member

L2501 w/ fel, bh, post hole digger, box scraper
Dec 23, 2021
Reno NV
Hi - I’m new to this forum, and a new 2021 L2501 owner. Does anyone happen to have the dealer checklist for an L2501? I am not having any problems with the tractor. But after seeing the post about the tie rod popping off a new tractor, thought I should look mine over especially at the dealer items. Thank you

Also bought a BH77; FEL; land pride post-hole digger; and land pride box scraper.


Well-known member

l2501, FEL, BB, Rotary cutter, rake,spreader, roller, etc. New Holland TL80 A
Sep 14, 2018
West Central,FL
The dealer check list should be in your paperwork and you should have signed it.
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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Check front axle oil level .........
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1964 MF135, L2501
May 8, 2021
It's me the tie rod guy. Here's a list of problems I can remember:
3pt didn't work
Loader not torqued
Wheels not torqued
Several grease zerks untouched
Front axle took 3 quarts of sudt2. Which means it was almost empty.

It was clear the shop guys lied on the dealer checklist when they signed it. I was never given an opportunity to sign or discuss it.

I would check the front axle and if it's empty make them come out and do a full checklist again. That's what I did. If they refuse then call Kubota corporate and ask why your front axle is empty.

You can check the "check" oil hole easy on the front axle. If nothing comes out, remove the big bolt for the fill port. You can shine a flashlight in there and see the axle all by itself with no oil.


Well-known member

L2501 HST, BH77 Backhoe, SSQA Loader ZD1011 Mower
Jun 19, 2019
Decatur, AL
For sure on the front axle. Mine was never checked and almost empty.


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Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
If you didn't get one, and didn't sign one, then go back to the dealer you bought the tractor at and tell them they didn't properly complete the pdi, and ask them to do it. At your place, where the tractor is. I have done it several times. Dealers get busy and they sometimes forget things, it's an unfortunate fact of dealer 'life'. With that, if I saw a assembly & prep ticket come across the desk, and no pdi sheet, if the tractor was sold, I'd go out after work and pdi it myself on customer's site. Farthest I ever had to go was 144 miles one way.

That pdi is a legal document, or more specifically it should be considered one. if you look at the bottom, it has a place you sign, and by signing you agreed that the dealer discussed certain things and you understand them.

I also know dealers that don't do pdi, period. No sheet filled out. I came from a motorcycle dealer. Motorcycles go fast and they have 2 wheels. Lot of them came in a crate with one wheel off and dealer had to install it. If ONE bolt was left loose, or improperly tightened, it could allow a wheel to come loose and when you have a bike that has over 200 horsepower and weighs 375 lbs, you don't want that to happen...if there was no pdi filled out for that bike, the dealer is automatically at fault for not doing the assembly & prep properly and if a case ever went to court, the manufacturer washes their hands of the dealer if there is no pdi. Now the dealer is almost always found at fault, without that little piece of paper.

It's real important no matter what kind of equipment the dealer is working with! And important that it is done properly (not just quick go through and put check marks on everything). Yeah us techs get in a hurry but there's never too much of a hurry when it comes to customer safety. Techs reading this take note of that. If your customer is standing over your shoulder, work slower and more methodically....make SURE you check things. Because if you don't, and he gets home to find ONE loader bolt slightly loose, they're gonna come unglued. Been there, done that.
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Kubota tech..BX2370, RCK60, B7100HST, RTV900 w plow, Ford 1100 FWA
Nov 20, 2011
Kansas City, KS
Hi - I’m new to this forum, and a new 2021 L2501 owner. Does anyone happen to have the dealer checklist for an L2501? I am not having any problems with the tractor. But after seeing the post about the tie rod popping off a new tractor, thought I should look mine over especially at the dealer items. Thank you

Also bought a BH77; FEL; land pride post-hole digger; and land pride box scraper.
Here is a copy of the PDI sheet for your L series tractor.



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Lifetime Member

Jul 28, 2015
Richmond, Virginia
Most PDI's are done wrong. It does not mean the tech did not do everything though. It is just they are not going to do one item, wipe off their hands, check/initial the box and move on. The tech will do everything as they are supposed to or if the tech is a fail, just what they feel like. Then they wipe off their hands, mark up the sheet and move on. Technically, they are supposed to do an item, mark and then do the next.
You should, ALWAYS spot check. Trust but verify. Even the best of the best can make a mistake. The worst of the worst, always do.
My tractor was 100% when I got it, good Dealer/Service Dept/Parts Dept. I have seen quite a few half-assed PDI's and unless you check it out, you may not realize it.