Ok folks I'm new to the site but over the past few days been looking on here trying to find info from your alls pat experience. I just purchased a l245dt that had been in a building fire when I purchased it, it's wiring had been melted but the previous owner had purchased a used one.I have installed the wiring harness and seem to have power to everything I need when I turn on the key switch charge light and oil light come on. Motor cranks over fine but I am not getting fuel to the injectors.I have tried bleeding them but am not getting fuel past the pump.I have fuel past the filter and into the pump but that's where it ends.I took the pump inspection plate off just to make sure that no debris had something stuck. It looks to me that when I operate the throttle the rod that is connected to the throttle linkage inside the pump is not moving. If this is stuck would it block fuel to the injectors? What is the best way to loosen this up with out taking the pump off. Any advice?