L225 with K-600 Backhoe


New member

L225 with K-600 Backhoe
Mar 30, 2020
Peach Bottom, PA
I just picked up an L225 with a K-600 Backhoe.

I was told that it originally was used by the Three Mile Island nuclear plant. It runs like a champ and needs a bath and a coat of orange, but the working meter says only 1300 hours. I would say the hours are pretty close to accurate from what I've been told.

I'm going to look forward to doing some cosmetic work. I have had newer Kubota construction equipment, but this is my first vintage piece.

My issue is it now I need a loader for it. I know I won't be able to get a new L1200... And I won't even think about calling Woods or Bush Hog.

My question is does anyone have any sizes of the L1200? Things like distance from the sub frame to the loaders arm mounts. Width of the sub frame.

If I can get some basic measurements (or the holy grail would be a drawing) of the L1200 then I can look for any old loader that would be comparable and make my own mounts.

Or what loaders do you guys have on your similar sized machines?

By the way, I scored the tractor/backhoe setup for only $2500. I'm ok with spending some money to acquire a loader and do some retrofitting if necessary.

Amish Tim


New member

L225 with K-600 Backhoe
Mar 30, 2020
Peach Bottom, PA
I was told the that guy who bought it from TMI died of prostate cancer shortly afterwards and then it sat in a barn for 20 years until the guy I bought it from picked it up from his widow.

Just because I live in Amish country doesn't mean I'm Amish... but in these times I live more like them than anyone else!

North Idaho Wolfman

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I was told the that guy who bought it from TMI died of prostate cancer shortly afterwards and then it sat in a barn for 20 years until the guy I bought it from picked it up from his widow.

Just because I live in Amish country doesn't mean I'm Amish... but in these times I live more like them than anyone else!
So a tractor seat change is in order.... :p

And you can understand my confusion as you didn't say Tim in Amish country, you said Amish Tim. :cool:

As far as a loader, there is Woods, Bush Hog, Koyker, Allied, and probably a bunch of others that I can't remember.

No matter which you go with you will need to make a subframe, and the connection from the motor to the rear end is their weak point.
the subframe will have axle bars that reinforce the connection.

If the BH is a three point version you need to make sure the top link has the reinforcing plate added!


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L245DT with Kubota (Arps Model 22) FEL and Kubota B/L4520B (Woods 650) BH
Apr 23, 2018
British Columbia
So a tractor seat change is in order.... :p

And you can understand my confusion as you didn't say Tim in Amish country, you said Amish Tim. :cool:

As far as a loader, there is Woods, Bush Hog, Koyker, Allied, and probably a bunch of others that I can't remember.

No matter which you go with you will need to make a subframe, and the connection from the motor to the rear end is their weak point.
the subframe will have axle bars that reinforce the connection.

If the BH is a three point version you need to make sure the top link has the reinforcing plate added!
There weren't reinforcing plates made for the first gen L-series. To make one yourself, take off your pto cover, upper 3pt hitch bracket, and seat, and make a cardboard template that covers all of the mounting holes, and have it cut/bent from 1/4 plate. With new hardware that's 1/4" longer, that should beef it up.


New member

L225 with K-600 Backhoe
Mar 30, 2020
Peach Bottom, PA
So I scored a second L225 with an OEM L1200 loader! The tractor has broken motor flanges from the loader hitting a tree stump while backdragging, so it will be a parts tractor and a donor loader. Only paid $500 for the whole unit plus $800 to ship it across the eastern seaboard.

So I'll be all in with a full OEM L225 backhoe/loader and a parts tractor for only $3,800.

Now, I need to figure out how to create a sub-frame for my unit so I don't break it in half. I figure I can use the mounts in front of the front axle, fab something up to the OEM loader frame, then to the back of the tractor somehow. I have some ideas, but has anyone done this before so I'm not reinventing the wheel?

With only 1300 original hours on it, the unit is in perfect mechanical condition. I'll tear it apart this summer and repaint the orange on everything. The blue/green is still in decent shape so I'll leave that alone for now.

Now to figure out the plumbing so I can have a loader, backhoe, and 3 point system. The tractor already has a diverter valve to send the hydraulics to either the loader or the 3 point system - I can't run both at the same time. I guess I can tie the loader to the backhoe side since they will probably be working in tandom. I doubt I'll be using the 3 point and the loader at the same time.


Lifetime Member

L245DT with Kubota (Arps Model 22) FEL and Kubota B/L4520B (Woods 650) BH
Apr 23, 2018
British Columbia
The L225 with the loader should have a subframe. The idea for the backhoe is to tie into that subframe and create a 4 point mounting bracket.