I've got an I&T manual, but it doesn't have a lot to say about the operation of the spool valve other than how to remove and reinstall it. There is a diagram of it, and there's not much too it. I think yours is a bit more complicated than mine. This just has three positions, up-neutral-and down. No position control. I did do some more playing with it today and discovered that if I relieve the pressure from the spool valve to the cylinder while the flow control valve is in locked position, the lift will stay up. So, that eliminates the o-rings on the piston, and at the cylinder head. I also discovered that the lock mechanisim is simply a cone shaped plunger. When the fluid from the cylinder pushes against this plunger, it seats and prevents the fluid from escaping from the cylinder. The only way I figure what's keeping the plunger from seating is some back pressure between the spool valve and cylinder. Since I was able to prove that there is no leakage at the piston, cylinder head o-ring, and locking plunger, the only other variable left is the spool valve. I pulled the spool valve today, and didn't notice anything obviously wrong with it. No scratches, looseness, gunk or anything else. I replaced the o-rings on it while I had it open, but it still leaks down. The only thing I know left to do is spend the 300+ dollars on a new spool valve assembly and see how that goes. If that's it, kudos to Vic for pointing that out in the first place! I'm still having trouble wrapping my mind around what's actually happening in there.