Glad you understand the design. Most don't and these individuals spend countless hours trying to get the remote sensing working and a charge light working when, in reality, on their machine it is not important. Owners with your skill level are not having to come to forums seeking advice and help.I am well aware of the 1 wire conversation. I also know why it sucks. When you go to 1 wire you lose remote voltage sensing. As the alternator puts out more amps the voltage at the battery drops.
The one wire conversation is mainly for people who don't understand charging systems, can't read a schematic or don't know how to use a multi meter.
With 3 wire operation I get a steady 14.4v at the battery until the alternator output is exceeded.
I do need to install a voltage meter so I don't drain the battery with lights and stuff.
Many tractors, because tractors are often without high consuming options like heated seats, heated rear windows, AC, electric fan, use a simple dynamo which has zero feedback in the charging system. Just a Zenor diode to bleed off excess voltage and amps.
Many owners have gone to the Denso and independent voltage display and have been very pleased with the results. If a large wire is used between the one wire Denso and the battery, there is little voltage drop difference you could measure to justify remote sensing.
Remember, I am not trying to put down what you are doing only to explain why I provide the advice I do.