L175 Help!!


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I am hoping that someone here can help me with a problem i have.
I am trying to get my tach back working and noticed that the gears in the tach drive unit on the engine are worn pretty bad....i have a new cable but not having any luck on replacement gears part numbers for the tach drive unit?....i have talked to several Kubota dealers with no luck
can anyone maybe give me a part number for the 2 gears or tell me where i may be able to order these
thanks in advance for all the help!!!


New member
Mar 26, 2012
the actual guage works...i can put one end of the cable inside the back of the tach and turn it and it works good
the problem i have is on the other end of the cable where it screws onto the tach drive unit that is bolted to the right side of the engine..."i think it's driven by the injection pump"
there are what looks like 2 steel gears inside that housiing that alot of wear on them and i need to know if i can just replace those 2 worm gears or if i need to replace the whole housing?....and if so what those part numbers might be?
thanks !!!!!!


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Lifetime Member

L3200DT w/FEL, K650 Backhoe, 5' Rotary, 40" Howard Rotavator, 6' Rhino blade
Oct 9, 2011
Spokane, WA
Those gears went bad on my L185DT at about 749 hours. I went through the parts manual, and it appeared to be some major disassembly/repair work to replace them. I was always going to fix it "next summer", but never did. I never did price them, or get an estimate of shop labor.
When people ask, tell them it is old. Guess the hours, or tell a story like this one. Regardless of the hours, it is a pretty good tractor.