Good quote ,especially mistakes involving injury . only takes a second to get hurt , takes a long time to heal ,if ever . Safety First .
Oh , I'm sorry that was CaveCreek Ray that sent the pictures . I'm felling hopeful that I may be able to fix this problem . Don't know when I'm going to get around to working on it , I'll keep you postedTeg , thank you so much for those diagrams . Those along with the pictures Sheepfarmer sent are making me feel hopeful .
It works ok for me, but I edited it so it comes up on page 1 of Ray's thread in case that helps. But as noted above many of the photos are gone, so you can try to piece the text of the thread with the photos he has added here.Hello sheep farmer , I clicked on the link about the 3 point control valve you sent me, but i couldn't get it to come up . Could you please check to see it is correct , I would appreciate it . Thanks
Not "always true" when you take into account labor for either job. Granted if new one has to be adjusted anyway then most likely they will start with adjustments to existing one....
Kubota isn't going to replace an expensive part if an adjustment is all that is necessary. .....