Kubota Telematics


New member

M5-111 SVL97-2 Sidekick
Oct 3, 2011
Little Rock, AR, United States
Hey guys, I'm looking for any information regarding Kubota's Telematics. If you have any literature, .pdf's, a flowchart, anything it'd be REALLY helpful for me right now.

I've searched the internet for information how the system works but have only found a dealer's oriented presentation in .pdf form.

So far what I've come up with this Telematics system, once dealers are trained & the full suite of features are rolled out. This should ideally be a combination of a factory alarm system, a diagnostic code reader, Chevy's Onstar (sorta), & CarFAX all rolled up into a single cellular device that's prepaid for 3 years. Renewal costs is unknown at this time. I'm pretty confident this system will drop the reports of stolen Kubota equipment. It won't be theft proof, (nothing ever is) but it'll be more difficult to steal than other mfg. equipment which is all we need.

For recent equipment purchased ??? guessing 2010 & later you can purchase the Telematics device which is a cellular modem on ATT network (I think) & a specific wiring harness & install it on your tractor. Yes even & more specifically the BX series can use this. You may not get all the features but the anti-theft seems to be constant no matter what the equipment is.

The problem I'm having is with Apple's AppStore there several apps which is confusing but I believe the only thing the customer will ever need is the MyKubota application.

Can anyone confirm any/all of this?

I'm trying to figure out whether or not customers should also have a Kubota Link ID & password? This is different than the user/pass you create with the MyKubota app & yet there's no place to create a Kubota Link or "K Link" account.



Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
re: I'm pretty confident this system will drop the reports of stolen Kubota equipment. It won't be theft proof, (nothing ever is) but it'll be more difficult to steal than other mfg. equipment which is all we need.

NOT more difficult, just as easy... simple cell tech.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
If you are worried about it put in a battery disconnect switch hidden some place under the hood or under the tractor. If somebody wants it bad enough is gone no mater what you do. I know cause I lost a new 1970 hemi cuda, in 6 weeks after buying it, and I had battery disconnect,, cops said it was winched on a flat bed. So yeah if they want it bad enough its gone no matter what you do


New member

M5-111 SVL97-2 Sidekick
Oct 3, 2011
Little Rock, AR, United States
I'm not saying it's gonna call the popo or anything but it'll give you an alert on your phone the moment it moves or fails to report back. So no matter what you do with the Kubota equipment the owner will be notified. Which is the most difficult thing buy these days, since everything is so bubblegum wrap with useless B$. All I need is a heads up & I can take it from there.

I'm not sure about draining your battery Spartan game cameras can operate a cellular modem for months on lithium AA batteries. Maybe a BX might not be up to the challenge day after day, anything with DEF fluid already runs the the def pump for ???? 15-20mins. after you shut off the equipment.

Big brother watching you, you bet!!! It'll only take the EPA to turn it's focus onto Agri equipment because someone got caught bypassing the emissions. Next thing EPA will be able to monitor all our equipment, much in the same way OnStar! works for them. However, that is illegal in a normal world & currently Kubota requires you to Opt-In in order for you data to be collected & shared with your service department.

I don't think Kubota is as woke as JD & I'd prefer to keep it that way. If they even gave a hint of doing something, forum members here would surely rant about it. I'd like to think some of Kubota's success in the past years is do with their politics, specifically their lack of it.

Having the ability to access diagnostic codes is a real nice feature, it's inline with the right to repair & brings us one step closer. I think telematics is great! Now could it be used for other purposes that we wouldn't like? Sure, just like guns can be used to rob a bank but we don't want to ban the guns, it's the people behind the guns robbing the banks.

Just saying, it's a great idea. I hope it doesn't turn into OnStar!



Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
re: However, that is illegal in a normal world & currently Kubota requires you to Opt-In in order for you data to be collected & shared with your service department.

Have a GOOD read of the 'Terms of USE ' for the various 'aps' you quickly click on... You'll probably see a phrase like 'sharing your data with 3rd parties'..... THAT allows them to sell or distribute YOUR data(name.adrs,GPS, etc...) with anyone they choose. 100% legal.
If someone has a link to the Kubota 'opt-in' ,please post, so I can read it.
I KNOW the 'ap' from 3 car insurance companies( for lower rates...) gives them 100% access to any/all data available from their device or ap... In the case of the 'device'..their balck box is connected through the OBDII port, so a LOT of data that you'd like to be PRIVATE ,they have access to. The smartphone aps allow them 100% access to everything on it...GPS data, pictures, emails, texts, passwords,QR data,logs, databases, etc. Included in the 'terms of use' is your permission to allow them to sell/give any data to anyone they choose.
Several years ago Marketplace did an 'investivgative report' on 'ap terms of use' and a LOT of people couldn't beieve what they'd 'clicked yes' actually meant.
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Sep 10, 2022
I just bought a SSV65 and it came with the telematics. Kubota makes it sound like it's a great thing. There's not just a whole lot that that it will tell me, but as I learned today what the dealer and Kubota can see is just unbelievable. My opinion is it was developed to keep track of abuse in the warranty period.