Well,,,, I bought it/brought it home. Didn't really get a chance to test it out as it was pouring down rain where we met to make the exchange (my bank).
Did the paperwork after watching it drive off his trailer and onto mine. This is the shortest "test" of any equipment I've ever bought, but was all that could be done. I do have the impression the seller was doing all he could to be up-front with me, however. (Seller was an American Airlines mechanic so I felt good about it. Should have remembered the time I bought an airplane from an airplane mechanic. Prettiest fiction I've ever read in the mx logs.)
Got it home and next day drove it around. Until it warms up it does shift with difficulty, but after warming up did fine. Discovered a coolant leak the next day and it was traced to a point beneath the driver's seat where a hose was clamped to a pipe and corrosion existing at the somewhat-loose clamp. Clamped the hose and released the hose-clamp, pulled the hose off and wire-brushed the minor corrosion, re-attached and poured the drained coolant back into the radiator. It appeared full.
But starting it up and driving it a 1/4 mile produced an overheat warning. Shut it down, and cracked the radiator cap, let off the pressure and the radiator tank appeared empty. (The previously-full reservoir had also been pulled into the radiator and was now empty.) Filled the radiator and reservoir with 50/50 mix and drove around again for a couple miles and it did fine.
I'm not impressed with the aftermarket installations done (LED light-bar behind the windshield provides lots of glare-back)...I'll have to relocate that somehow by mfr'g a better mounting bracket) and the wiring for that light-bar and winch is not protected by any flexible conduit as I prefer...but I can do all that. Seller was ill and son handled most of the conversation... no info on when the last oil change was done, so I'll do that right away. (250 hrs/699 miles)
Seller did include a complete filter-kit and it has brand-new all-terrain tires. It was ultimately revealed seller was the second owner rather than first (apparently this unit was used by a company in east Tx and traded back in to Kubota who resold it.) It appears to be a clean little machine I'm basically satisfied with what happened and look forward to using the little RTV.
As for the RTV itself,,,, Kubota RTVs are not built for speed but for utility (max speed is 25 mph). They can haul/tow quite a bit more than most off-road vehicles and are certainly put together well... and It'll take some getting-used-to with regard to the engine-braking that is characteristic of Kubota RTVs. If you take your foot off the accelerator.... it comes to a stop in equal time as the engine reduces to idle.... there's little or no "coasting". That is likely a good thing in hills but a bit of overkill on level ground. Great suspension however. Lacking any rear bumper protection and front bumper is miniscule, IMO. I'll likely have to create something in that regard.
Like most purchasers/owners.... it's difficult to criticize a new toy after spending the money.