Have a m4900 rated at 54 hp at 2600rpm. M5700 has same motor and injector pump and is rated at 61 hp at 2800rpm. Any way to upgrade my m4900 to increase hp, i.e., re-calibrate injector pump?
Why does it have to be a need? Some people don't NEED a tractor at all. Do you pick on them to for buying one? What is the big deal with modifying your gear if you want? IT IS YOUR GEAR. - SMH...Anyway, if you think you really NEED more HP... I suspect you probably need a different tractor entirely.)
SledDog you get up on the wrong side of the bed today?Why does it have to be a need? Some people don't NEED a tractor at all. Do you pick on them to for buying one? What is the big deal with modifying your gear if you want? IT IS YOUR GEAR. - SMH
To the OP, all the power to you (err, your tractor actually- lol).
If there was a known turbo kit I could slap on my B2650 I would do it in a heartbeat! Not because I need to, or because the B2650 needs more power. I would do it because I could, I like turbos, and I like messing with stuff. Many people ENJOY modifying things. You enjoy your private plane right?
Do we ask you why you ruin our environment with your private planes for personal pleasure? Living in a free country we just have to accept some things. A guy messing with his tractor is one of them.
ROFLMAO - Tractor Shaming? Are you saying the B2650 with 26hp is small, and your M4700 with 51hp is big? Actual big tractor owners would laugh at your toy but that is neither here nor there. It is just a toy right? No big deal, I would just buy another one....If you want to pump up your little toy.... go ahead...no skin off my nose. I’ll just sit here and await for the time you originate a thread crying about how your little B2650 has crapped out after you monkeyed with it and you want help fixing it.
Dog,..I don’t know why you think you have an axe to grind with me... or someone... I’m not picking on you... My WIFE refers to my stuff as my “little toys”... even my 16,000 lb compactor-roller. It’s just a diminutive reference in an attempt to de-fuse the chip you’re carrying around. Forget it. Find someone someplace else to try to start something.... It ain’t gonna work here.ROFLMAO - Tractor Shaming? Are you saying the B2650 with 26hp is small, and your M4700 with 51hp is big? Actual big tractor owners would laugh at your toy but that is neither here nor there. It is just a toy right? No big deal, I would just buy another one.
This forum is full of people having problems with their bone stock OEM machines? How can that be if they didn't modify it? At the same time Kubota puts turbos on all kinds of engines. Why does Kubota put turbos in and change tunes on tractors if there is nothing there to do? Think about that.
If you don't want to change anything on your big tractor (lol) don't. You don't need to project fictitious prolems on others for wanting to though. In other words don't be so scared of someone else's modifications.
Some people like living inside the condom, some don't.
Bingo.Yes, you can recalibrate the fuel delivery and top rpm setting of the injection pump. However, first thing to do is to spend some time in the parts manual.
I seriously doubt that it is the same engine, it is probably the same engine class (such a V2500), but I could almost bet that the two engines carry a different specific (such as V2500A2 and V2500A3) engine number. And there in lies the rub, has the factory done anything else to deal with the higher horsepower and heat generated? You cannot get around that more fuel = more BTU's to deal with.
The V2500A2 could have slightly different internal components as well as the injection pump settings than the V2500A3, but then it may not. Without checking internal components you have no way of knowing that to get that to get that slightly higher rpm the camshaft profile is changed slightly, or the crankshaft has the additional step of nitridization. Or the compression ratio is slightly changed. All in the name of durability in dealing with the higher operating rpm, and heat generated by the increased fuel injected.
I am only using the generic number of "V2500" as a example.
Same thing with installing a turbo. Many non turbo engines do not have piston cooling jets, turbo engines normally do. You can't just slap a turbo on with out doing other changes and expect the same life span. Is the oil pump of higher capacity to deal with the piston jets? Yes in many times even the oil pump is changed between a turbo and non turbo engine. As well as the static compression ration and many other internal engine changes. Even the engine block sometimes changes between a turbo engine and non turbo engine.
So back to the parts manual, check pistons, camshaft, crankshaft, head, radiator, etc part numbers.
A good example of this sort of thing is a Continental engine I worked on in the early 80’s in a piece of construction equipment. When it failed we ordered a replacment from the mfr’r and found the only replacement we could obtain was a short-block we could transplant the heads on.Bingo.
DITTOI stay out of these discussions
if one needs more HP get a bigger tractor instead of turning it up, that's asking for all sorts of problems
I like to watch them end successfully and use all the knowledge learned along the way. Like they say, it takes all types.It is fun to read along, especially when things don't go as planned....