I've been at this since late November, but its starting to come together. started with a 48'x24' shop/pole building. its raised up on 18" of compact 3/4" gravel. so far only the back half is concrete inside. Added a 24'x24' carport to the front. Now working on framing, insulating and sheeting a 24'x12' tool room across the back. 2x6 walls and 2x8 ceiling for second story access or storage. spray foam insulation. (well worth the extra money spent) This retirement stuff is killing me! 3 big projects going on at once. when the tools and cabinets are moved into the super insulated back room, ( heated and dehumidifier in place) I will have a permanent parking spot for the tractor and implements. Here's a few pics from start to now, but no where near
finished. with the carport its 72' deep, covered now.

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