kubota b7100 drag arm removal


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Queensland Australia
I am preparing for a B7100 tractor split and am having trouble removing the knuckle arm drag assembly link arm . I loosened slotted nuts both ends but cannot get it to shift at all. I then tried to loosen the pitman arm (from the steering box) off it's spline ( to see if this loosened up things) but couldn't shift that either. So far I have been using a rubber hammer and timber as I didn't want to damage anything.


New member

L35, mower, bushhog, cement mixer, grader, boxblade, forks, posthole digger
Mar 31, 2009
Ft. Worth, TX
Dennis, I don't have a pickle fork. I've been able to remove the shaft of the ball that has the slotted bolt on top by using 2 large hammers. What I do is to strike opposite sides of the shaft or hole at the same time with the two hammers. The shaft is tapered and the impact of the two hammers at the same time causes the shaft to drop out or loosen. As Vic said, be sure to keep the slotted nut on the top to protect the threads and also keep the thing from falling all the way to the ground. Never hit the ball as it is easily damaged. Good Luck!


New member

B6200 1640 loader Caroni 48 rear finish mower
Oct 24, 2009
Middleboro Ma
I had trouble removing that on my B6200.
I think it is Like Vic said a good solid blow! I ended up breaking the joint near the front Knuckle I figured the steering box is a sensitive area where I did not want to damage the guts of it. I also replaced the rubber dust seal the wire retainer was not easy to get back on. I deformed it a little and had to cut some of the wire to get it on. Theres probably a tool for that!
