Kubota b2710 tire chains, heater questions


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Kubota m125x, m9000, b2710, and other equiptment
Dec 2, 2020
So I recently bought a new to me b2710 with fel and front mounted snowblower. So new to the kabota world living in northern vt, looking forward to the snowblower. So knowing the weather here I went to the logging supply store and orderd a set of chains for rear. Now I'm wondering if I need wheel spacers. And where to get them? I dont want to spend big bucks. Any help? I have turf tires 13.6x 16 and Curtis cab. Also any one use an electric heater to keep window from fogging up?


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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Ikc1990 ,

first all - welcome, second ......please get the "A" out of kAbota and replace it with a "U" - no, not trying to nit pick....

spacers can be had lots of places - IF you know the lug pattern (someone will chime in) you can order on ebay..... most for tractors are $$$$ - will run $250 a set. BUT...if you can match to a car/truck they somehow become cheaper!

As for a heater - be careful with an electric one - the amps those draw will pop a fuse in a heartbeat.
If you have a dyno - and not a true alternator, this might be a bad idea.
I would invest in heated clothes or get a radiator core heater installed in your cab. This might be pricey too.


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Kubota m125x, m9000, b2710, and other equiptment
Dec 2, 2020
Opps my bad sorry for the typo. Ok I'll look tomarrow at the bolt pattern. And post that too, as far as the heated cloths nice idea but I was looking more for windshield defrost. So the cooling system would be best I guess thanks for the info and response 85 hokle


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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA


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M7040, Nuffield 465
Oct 6, 2012
Williamstown Ontario Canada
I have a friend with a B7100, dynamo and cab used for blowing snow...

He was frustrated with fogging windows and tried an electric heater. A waste of time. Totally inaqequate output of energy and was draining the battery.

The solution, one that originated in North America on the 1950's and 60's VW bugs........ frost shields. Even existed in the 1930's.

set of "frost shields" (forget their real name) to keep frost from forming on the inside of my car windows. They were large plastic ovals with (~1/8"-high) ridges around the perimeter with self-sticking adhesive, and stand-offs in the middle to keep them off the window surface. You peeled of the protective tape covering the adhesive, and pressed them onto the window. They formed an air chamber that prevented the high humidity inside the car from frosting up the windows, and worked very well.

I have attached the invoice from the Canadian Supplier. In the USA you may find them with the vintage automobile people.

I even found a current use of frost shileds on helicopter windows.

I think the two I bought for my friend were 13" x 20"




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2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
You may not need spacers depending on the chains you got. My B2920 and B7500 don’t need spacers to get the rear chains on.


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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
So I recently bought a new to me b2710 with fel and front mounted snowblower. So new to the kabota world living in northern vt, looking forward to the snowblower. So knowing the weather here I went to the logging supply store and orderd a set of chains for rear. Now I'm wondering if I need wheel spacers. And where to get them? I dont want to spend big bucks. Any help? I have turf tires 13.6x 16 and Curtis cab. Also any one use an electric heater to keep window from fogging up?
What tires do you have? With R4 tires on your B2710 you may get lucky. With turf tires I understand spacers are needed with chains.

With my R4 tires, I got tired of my chains hitting the fenders when something shifted, and after ten years took them off. They were on all year round for ten years...ladder chains, 2 link style cross chains.

Mine will not go back on until I put spacers on. You only need an inch, but if you are buying spacers get wider ones for stability. Not too hard to tip a B2710/2910 on its side. Did it once, where I never expected it would happen.

Edit: I see you have turf tires. My recollection is that you will have no choice but to get spacers if you want to use chains. Unfortunately spacers are pretty pricey. I have had no luck finding a cheap alternative, although did find spacers that would work on my BX on Amazon/eBay. But not for the B2910.
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B2410, B7100dt, B7500,Woods BH750,Landpride 2660RFM, Tiller, B2781 Snowblower
Apr 26, 2010
Alfred Maine
I put an electric fan blowing on the windshield in the cab on my B2410. No heater in cab.
Bus fan.jpg
It works great for keeping it from fogging up. For some reason I think they are called a bus fan.


Staff member
Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
So I recently bought a new to me b2710 with fel and front mounted snowblower. So new to the kabota world living in northern vt, looking forward to the snowblower. So knowing the weather here I went to the logging supply store and orderd a set of chains for rear. Now I'm wondering if I need wheel spacers. And where to get them? I dont want to spend big bucks. Any help? I have turf tires 13.6x 16 and Curtis cab. Also any one use an electric heater to keep window from fogging up?
here are the $$$$ kind .... nice stuff - but ...........pricey



Active member

Kubota m125x, m9000, b2710, and other equiptment
Dec 2, 2020
I put an electric fan blowing on the windshield in the cab on my B2410. No heater in cab. View attachment 51879 It works great for keeping it from fogging up. For some reason I think they are called a bus fan.
Never thought of that I drive school bus, and we have them in the bus lol thanks


Active member

Kubota m125x, m9000, b2710, and other equiptment
Dec 2, 2020
So today I had some time so I got the snow blower hooked up for first time and working. Should be nice if we get some snow to play in, and tackled the chains. I tried to put them on and I think it will work I have low pro studded chains. I'll take some pictures tomorrow. Also heard back from the hydrolic place today. They ordered and recieved the wrong kits to repack the for hydraulic cylinders for my fel. Hoping to get that back next week cause we will be swapping back and forth between the blower and loader to use around the farm. We have a beef farm, and maple sugaring operation. And with my larger ford 3000 being Down till we get time to fix the water pump etc this is our all around tractor. Also got my new 3pt hitch kit tonight and led lights so tommarow will be a busy day in the shop, getting those all installed.