What did all this cost? I didn’t keep every little receipt but for the cab materials itself I’m pretty sure I don’t have much more than $300 in it. With lights and a few extras I’m sure it was well under $400. Other than a welder and metal band saw it was built with a few hand tools, electric drill & grinder, etc. A cutoff wheel in a grinder would have worked just as well as the metal band saw.
Here’s how it sits and looks with my snowblower attached and homemade pusher blade on the front.
There you have it…….my poor man’s version of a custom cab that can be installed and removed easily…..and won’t cost you a fortune…..even if you had to hire a friend to do the welding for you. Maybe this might be the way or a partial guide to build a cab for another model. It sure has worked well for me over the years and I’d be happy to share or take any other pictures or info that someone might want in contemplating their own build.
Next up will be the weather fronts I made for operating in this cold north climate. Thanks for looking!
Here’s how it sits and looks with my snowblower attached and homemade pusher blade on the front.

There you have it…….my poor man’s version of a custom cab that can be installed and removed easily…..and won’t cost you a fortune…..even if you had to hire a friend to do the welding for you. Maybe this might be the way or a partial guide to build a cab for another model. It sure has worked well for me over the years and I’d be happy to share or take any other pictures or info that someone might want in contemplating their own build.
Next up will be the weather fronts I made for operating in this cold north climate. Thanks for looking!