Knowing what you know now, would you buy the same tractor again?


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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
I had to stop and think for a few minutes, but if I known everything I know now, would I buy the same one?

The reason I was comfortable with a L3560, it would do everything we needed it to do. We have been very pleased with it.

The reason I would go with a bigger tractor is not because I'm displeased with the L3560, but because our two larger tractors are showing their age and we are spending more and more time working on them. If I had gone with M6060/M7060 range, keeping the other larger tractors running wouldn't be as needed.

Yet, the L3560 has been just the right size to accomplish most of the task we have needed and has replaced the old MF 35 and the task that it did.

So, I guess what we really need to do is just add another tractor and keep the L3560. I wonder if I can get that one past the finance committee.
I think the home run swing would be ask your finance committee on 10/31,”trick or treat?”….then make a surprise reveal of the M…regardless they say trick or treat you can argue that they asked for it…it can be either depending on the point of view.
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L3560, LA805 loader, BH77 backhoe, rock bucket, box blade, pallet forks
Jun 11, 2018
Mesquite, NV
I bought my first tractor, L3560 new 5-1/2 years ago. I have 10 acres of open desert property with a small tree area. I have done a lot of trenching with the BH77, a lot of dirt moving and grading with the LA805 and a lot of moving stuff with the pallet forks. At the time I felt I'd spent plenty enough money. Although I've been very happy with the L3560. If I'd felt like spending a little more I'd like an L4060 with BH92 for longer reach and a little more front end loader capacity and height. I love the features of the Grand L series.
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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
If you had a time machine and found yourself at the dealer looking at tractors but knowing what you know now, would you do it all over again and buy the same model?

I went from a BX25 to an MX6000 open station to an MX6000 cabbed tractor, and then added an M6060. I was thinking yesterday how much I like this MX as I was going through the yearly routing of getting it set up for snow removal. Going up and down the driveways I thought again about how much I like the MX. It's been two years since I took delivery of this second MX6000 and I would absolutely buy the same tractor again with the same options.

I don't have enough hours on the M6060 to emphatically say that I'd buy it again, and in fact, if I had ordered a second tractor it would probably have been the M7060 but so far absolutely no regrets with either tractor. :) Well done to Kubota for giving me 8 years of trouble-free ownership across four tractors and a generator.
Tough call. My l3901 is almost 3 years old and replaced an aging B7200. Which zi still have. The L3901 is a lot more tractor, much more capable, and has been flawless. But I moved pretty fast deciding on a Standard L over a Grand L and failed to get a real understanding of the "cheap-cuts" Kubota uses on the L01 series. I would have to do the cost benefit analysis agin knowing more today.

And while the L3901 has much more muscle than the old B7200 I still come up against jobs that need more. I can't help but think an "economy" M might be a better fit overall. I have plenty of mid-size machines for 90% of the tasks done with the L3901 but nothing in the M class..

I am a bit too frugal for my own good and that damn MSRP thing just keeps getting in the way.....

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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA

Since the current L4240HSTC wasn't made when I bought my first tractor, it technically couldn't have been the first purchase:)

The 4240 was bought used in 2018 and is by far the most user-friendly and maneuverable of the lot. Cab with HVAC is great. it makes mowing 3-1/2 acres a snap.

Honorable mention goes to the Ford 1210 that we bought used around 1991 and still have. Others have come and gone.

EDIT TO ADD: Should also note we wouldn't have spent enough to have gotten such a tractor right after we built here.
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L3560 LE (ROP's) w/ LA805 FEL, LP RCF 2072, BB2572 and WoodMaxx WM-8H
Jul 2, 2021
The Ville and The Farm (KY)
Interesting topic. No regrets on the L3560 LE. While I've only put 40 hours on in the past 2 years, it's been great and done jobs I really needed it to do. It probably has more capability than I've discovered so far. Our property is pretty hilly and the pucker factor prevents me from testing the limits of the tractor more than the tractor does. We are new to tractors and the 3560 is so easy to operate even noob's like myself, my wife and my son can climb on it and operate it like we actually know what we're doing. If I had any regrets, they'd be related to implements. I purchased the rotary cutter and box blade with the tractor and financed it all at once. I wish I'd have also included a grapple in the initial purchase and 0% financing and maybe even a tiller. I thought I'd just add the grapple after the purchase, but two years later, I've found other things have taken priority over the grapple from a financial standpoint. Hopefully the budget will allow a grapple in early 2024. I also need to get my machine shed built next year to get the tractor and implements, Polaris Ranger and zero turn out of my boat shop before I add any additional implements to the collection, as I refuse to story any equipment outside and watch the weather take it's toll. As they say, "first world problems".
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
Wow! Thanks for all the feedback. It's really good to see that many of us found the tractor that works best for our needs. It took me a while to get here but it was worth it and I've really enjoyed the journey.
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L2501 w/ S2T Turbo Kit = 35 PTO HP (Current), B2601 (Sold)
May 7, 2021
Well, even though I'm totally satisfied with my tractor (after I learned my lesson with the first tractor), I'm not saying I wouldn't buy another/bigger tractor.....just because! :D

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Kubota L2502, LP 60" BB, LP pallet forks, 60" KK Tiller, 55" HSI root grapple
Sep 29, 2023
Southern Indiana
I really wanted a Grand L 3560 or 4060 and came very close to buying one. I was honestly on the way to the dealer one Saturday morning with the intentions of buying the 3560 that day. In the end, I decided on the L2502 because I absolutely dreaded the thought of buying a tractor full of sensors, ECM's, and other electronics and emissions crap. I just wanted no part of that world whatsoever!! Especially after reading some of these posts of failed ECM's at a cost of several thousand... I absolutely love my 2502, it has and will do anything I need out of a tractor. And I really enjoy knowing I have a brand new tractor that is as simple as the old 8n I grew up using. This tractor should last me the rest of my life and it's paid for.
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TG1860, BX2380 -backblade, bx2830 snowblower, fel, weight box,pallet forks,etc
Apr 11, 2021
NB, Canada
YUP.... o_O I guess I researched it well enough to know what will work best FOR ME.:rolleyes:

No need for bigger/badder/stronger/faster.🥇
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LX3310/ Cab 1950 F- Cub
Nov 22, 2017
ellicott, colorado
I traded my B2301 for an LX3310 with a Cab, I was looking at the L3560 with a cab but it was 3 inches too tall to fit through the door for the building I keep my tractor in. I an happy with my LX3310 plenty of power
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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
no, I'd have bought a B2601 with BH sub frame. That way I could have saved a bundle by just borrowing neighbours BH and his box blade.
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MX6000 HST open station, FEL, 6’ cutter, forks, 8’ rear blade, 7’ cultivator
Jan 14, 2019
Edgewood, New Mexico
I have to say that I’m so impressed with my MX6000 and would buy it again. Sometimes I regret not buying a cabbed model such as when I’m winter snow plowing, but then when I work among my trees I’m glad to have my open station. I love the size, capability, and stability. It’s in the sweet spot of maneuverability and capability. Truly a right-sized machine for my uses.
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Grand L4060HSTC, BH92 Backhoe, HLA Snow Pusher, Dirt Dog Tiller, EA DiscHarrow
Jun 24, 2020
SW Michigan
Mine has done everything I’ve asked except, unloading a Cummins 4BT engine/transmission + frame rail cutoffs from a trailer. And, I struggle to load tandem dumps with tall sides and 40CY roll offs. So, for me it’s the limits of the LA805. Otherwise, it’s perfect so I’d probably trade up to a GL6060 in hindsight.

I do love the Grand L series!
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Jan 9, 2021
Central US
M9000 here, and only real regret is it has the sync shuttle. Has been a very good machine otherwise.

If I could do it again, it'd be another M9000 but this time new and with the hydraulic shuttle.

Runs With Scissors

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L2501 TLB , Grappel, Brush Hog, Box Blade, Ballast box, Forks, Tiller, PH digger
Jan 25, 2023
I would buy another 2501 TLB in a heartbeat.

I love the simplicity of the motor, its legendary reliability, and it has enough "power" for the vast majority of my needs.

I lived over half a century without one, so having one has been awesome. I still get a grin on my face every time I scoop up a bucket of dirt/gravel, or dig a hole or lift something up.
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L3901 RCR1260
Apr 14, 2021
I have no complaints about my L3901. However, if I had a do over, I would have bought the L2501 without the emissions and computer controls.
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L2501 w/ S2T Turbo Kit = 35 PTO HP (Current), B2601 (Sold)
May 7, 2021
I think a lot of us 'would' have purchased the L3901 / L3902 if it didn't have emissions and computer controls.

Luckily, I have a Turbocharged L2501 with 44.1 HP without emissions or computer controls and I don't have any regrets.

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Kubota LX2610SU
Apr 22, 2021
Heart of the Catskills
Another happy LX2610 owner here. I bought the SU to save a few bucks, and I don't regret that, though the difference is price is not that much. I also bought a BH77 backhoe, loader and bucket, Land Pride third function, Land Pride grapple and Land Pride snow plow all at the same time for the zero percent financing. I am happy with all of that stuff. I didn't want a heavy tractor that would tear up my lawn, and I didn't want to deal with the regen requirements of a bigger engine.
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