I have always admired how much time/dedication/skill it takes to forge a knife.
Sadly my pocket knives get lost/broken more often than I care to admit.
I also refuse to use any knife that is not either 'fixed' or "lockable".
I like collecting Japanese Chef knives. I do have a couple of German knives as well, but my Japanese knives are my favorite.
Here is the entirety of my small collection. (And God be with the person that uses these knives improperly cause hell fire and brimstone will rain down upon thee for mis-use or improper handling)
(as a. matter of fact, I don't let people use them, only me.)
This is my favorite though
made with HAP 40 steel. AKA "voodoo steel" because it hold a super fine edge for an eternity'
This was my first. Hand forged using VG-10 steel.
This one is made with Hitachi "Blue" steel. I can get a stupid fine edge with it, but it requires great care. It will actaully corrode while you are using it.
But it fits my hand perfect.