My husband "accidentally" won a L3301 on auction; it is quite the basket case. I'm trying to find some parts, but the dealerships are having issues that I call "the competency crisis"; no one really knows anything especially if the computers are down. I'm trying to source the left floor pan, floor sheet, transmission cover, step and the unicorn a BH4988 to attach the BH77 he bought also (it is sans sub-frame). Thanks to you all, by the way! In older posts, I was able to find the part number to ask for on the sub-frame to get past one of the competency crisis hurdles.
I'm sure I'll be on here pestering you all about all sorts of things, I've helped my husband refurbished Humvee's, this is our first Kubota project.
I'm sure I'll be on here pestering you all about all sorts of things, I've helped my husband refurbished Humvee's, this is our first Kubota project.