It could happen to you, Part 2~


New member

B7510DT, 4' Snow blower, 4' Loader, 6' Blade, 6' 3PH Finish mower, 6' box blade,
Aug 16, 2009
Durham Ontario Canada
I was going to install the horn (Using 12 volt siren:D) today on my tractor.
So, I was looking for the place to installl that Siren.

But Guess what I found~~~!!!

Left hand Top side loader PIN was came out loolse almost half of it.:eek::eek::eek:

My heart was almost stopped~!:eek:

One good thing, I had new pin on hand. so I replace the pin and grease the pin and put new cotter pin too~~:cool:

I was using loader on Dec. 24th at night and lift that loader bucket high point so many times to dumped the snow and shaked them too~:eek::eek:

Check your loader pin too, before too late~!

My tractor is only 4 years old.

Happy New Year.


Eric McCarthy

New member
Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
I got to thinking about that. If you took and tap and die set and put some threads on the end of the pin and then stick the cotter key threw that sucker should not ever do that again. I had to take the lower lift arms on my B6100 and stick bolts and lock nuts on the end up close to the tractor where the arms mount. I kept looseing the lynch pins from bush hogging because the tractor is so low to the ground they kept falling out until I stuck a bolt threw there. Its a bad feeling when your bush hogging and then all the sudden you look back and the only thing keeping the bush hogg following you is the top link.


New member

B7510DT, 4' Snow blower, 4' Loader, 6' Blade, 6' 3PH Finish mower, 6' box blade,
Aug 16, 2009
Durham Ontario Canada
As a 51 years old goat learning every day~~!:D

I'm good at the electrical but not the mechanical~!:(

Although I have found that PIN missed cotter pin a few month ago.
So, I try to put new cotter pin in it but actual pin was siesed inside and I had a heck of time to put regular nail into it. and try to grease too but I couldn't.
and I moved loader a bit. then that nail broke right off. and I put a spring pin into it and it broke off too. :cool:
So, I left it alone and I just found it start coming off loose~:eek:

Since it is on top loader pin, It might came through the my cabin to hit me~:eek::eek:


Tractor is the Man's Best Freind. but let's not make it as Man's worst enemy~!!!:D:D:D

Happy New Year~!
