If you are spending at or near your net income and you like to carry substantial debt , inflation is a real problem.
If you have low debt and a decent buffer of spending to income ratio you can ride out most inflation rises and even make money with a good investment company.
Well said and that's exactly why I got rid of my car that had a payment and went back to one that doesn't. Ive been wanting to invest for the first 40 some years of my life and never had a dime to do it with for that very reason, higher than comfortable debt, not enough income. Got debt free a few years ago, built up a good nest egg (enough that I quit a job I had almost 30 years with), comfortably. I feel bad for those folks that didn't, or took on more debt, or whatever. My looking back in history says that abnormally high/quick inflation leads to investment opportunities, and this time as long as nothing goes haywire, I'm fixing to do it. I can retire now, but I want to be able to retire and be very comfortable.
Thankfully this IS the USA and we all have the opportunity to make it, the unfortunate side of that is that many of us don't know how or where to start.
By the way I'm nowhere near "rich" at all, just comfortable. Tiny house, junk 30 year old car, etc.