Injector pump issue/black smoke/key shutoff not working L3130 D1503 engine


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Kubota L3130
Oct 27, 2021
I have a L3130 with a D1502 engine purchased in 2007, 850 hours.

I did the fountain test on the injector pump (per one of the moderators on here in another thread) and only one line shot up about 4 inches.

I loosened each of the three injector nuts (to bleed the injectors) only two of the cylinders responded when I opened them up (with the engine running) and then closed them. The middle cylinder at first did bleed and respond but now, no reaction. Also, hardly any fuel was coming out of the middle injector pump during the fountain test.

One more thing, the key shut off quit working at the same time the engine started failing. I took off the plate to the shutoff solenoid and could see the solenoid extend and retract while operating the key switch. Had to pinch the fuel line to kill the engine. Shutting off the filter valve did nothing.

Since this has happened the engine will start but has very little power and thick black smoke pours out of the exhaust, even at an idle. I was able to drive over and remove the loader for easier access to the motor.

The man at the Kubota dealer here said it could be the low pressure fuel pump, but that does not explain the engine "not" shutting off ( I think the slide rod on the side of the injector pump is jammed up). He did tell me how to test the low pressure pump and I will do that but it does not explain the black smoke either.

So now, for why I think this is my fault. The day before I had just changed out the fuel filter element, drove the tractor about 2 miles and it died on my way home going uphill. I was able to open the bleed valve and the engine started right up but was very gutless so I went on to bleeding at the injectors, that is when the black smoke started.

I went back to the last thing I did (change the filter element) when I pulled the bulb off the bottom of the water separator I noticed two things. the filter was not seated correctly up inside (there was no spring to hold it up in there) and in the fuel at the bottom of the bulb there were small bits of black specs (fuel line?) So in my mind did the fuel pump pick up one of these small black floaters and pass it on up into the fuel injector pump?

Anyway, sorry for the book, I wanted to give as much info as I can. I have watched several videos on taking this injector pump apart for cleaning. I am confident that I can remove the injector pump and follow along with the video. I am guessing worse case is I would have to purchase a new injector pump. I would like to try it just for the knowledge of doing it.

Any advice here would be greatly appreciated.


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M7040, Nuffield 465
Oct 6, 2012
Williamstown Ontario Canada
Provide more details on your tractor. Type of transmission and open station or cab.

Any codes showing up on the Intelli Panel?

Injection pump servicing is not a "do it yourself" job. You are far more likely to make things much worse.

Start by checking the two Grounds on the tractor as shown below.

Do not just look but remove, clean and re-install. If you have the equipment and skills to voltage drop test the connections that too will work.

forum L3130 grounding wire.jpg

Check the stop solenoid system following the steps below:

forum L3130 stop solenoid.jpg

Check that there are no rodent nests in the air filter and intake system.



Active member

L4310 w/La682, L225
Oct 25, 2020
Does the engine shut off using the engine stop lever? Does the engine respond to rpm changes when moving the governor lever? Is the engine running at a fixed rpm when running and not trying to runaway?

By chance did you loosen the injector lines at the injection pumps without holding the hex on the pimp barrel/delivery valve holders and turn the barrels? That would explain the black smoke and inability to shut the engine off as that would move the fill/spill ports on the barrel in relationship to the plunger scroll.


New member

Kubota L3130
Oct 27, 2021
The engine will not shut off using the engine stop lever.
It does respond when using the governor lever.
The engine does run at a fixed rpm.
I did loosen one of the hex on the pump barrel/delivery valve. I did not know this would cause the black smoke. I had to put a wrench on it to loosen the nut that holds the line onto the pump. I tighten it back down but now I am learning that this will retard the timing? That is when the black smoke problem started.

Thank you for your reply.


New member

Kubota L3130
Oct 27, 2021
Provide more details on your tractor. Type of transmission and open station or cab.

Any codes showing up on the Intelli Panel?

Injection pump servicing is not a "do it yourself" job. You are far more likely to make things much worse.

Start by checking the two Grounds on the tractor as shown below.

Do not just look but remove, clean and re-install. If you have the equipment and skills to voltage drop test the connections that too will work.

View attachment 68653

Check the stop solenoid system following the steps below:

View attachment 68654

Check that there are no rodent nests in the air filter and intake system.


Thanks Dave,

It is an open cab, hydrostatic transmission and there are no code coming up on the intelli panel. I will check the grounds as well.


Active member

L4310 w/La682, L225
Oct 25, 2020
The engine will not shut off using the engine stop lever.
It does respond when using the governor lever.
The engine does run at a fixed rpm.
I did loosen one of the hex on the pump barrel/delivery valve. I did not know this would cause the black smoke. I had to put a wrench on it to loosen the nut that holds the line onto the pump. I tighten it back down but now I am learning that this will retard the timing? That is when the black smoke problem started.

Thank you for your reply.
Turning the pump barrel does not change timing it changes the relationship of fuel delivery and no fuel condition for each cylinder.

Also this being a mechanical injection pump I doubt that codes will be set or cause your issues.


New member

Kubota L3130
Oct 27, 2021
Thanks for this, so it's getting to much fuel and I should turn it back counter clockwise a bit, watch to see if the exhaust improves?
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L4310 w/La682, L225
Oct 25, 2020
Setting the barrels on the injection pump is really a job for an injection pump repair facility. If you remove the locking bars that hold the barrels you may be able to see how they were originally oriented and get close. But you should still get someone with the correct tooling set them.
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New member

Kubota L3130
Oct 27, 2021
Setting the barrels on the injection pump is really a job for an injection pump repair facility. If you remove the locking bars that hold the barrels you may be able to see how they were originally oriented and get close. But you should still get someone with the correct tooling set them.
I wanted to follow up. I went ahead and moved the one barrel (that I knew moved) back to where I thought it should be. To my surprise the black exhaust stopped right away and the key switch now turns off the engine.

Now, when I loosen the cap nuts on the injectors I have two cylinders that fire and one that has lots of fuel flowing from it but does not respond when I loosen or tighten the cap nut. I am going to pull that injector in see if there is any spray from the nozzle. That was the same cylinder that had the black smoke coming from it. I am wondering if all that smoke has built up on top of the piston.

Anyway, just wanted to get back to you guys and say thanks for helping me through the log jam.


New member

Kubota L3130
Oct 27, 2021

After getting the barrel valve adjusted correctly I was still burning some white smoke.
When I checked my oil dipstick I found the oil about 1" above the fill line and it was very thin. I changed to oil and now it runs with no smoke at all.

The long story...When I found the information online that said if burning black smoke (like I did when the barrel valve was out of adjustment) some diesel fuel can leak down past the rings into the oil pan.
I know I ran it long enough to make this happen.
When I found this new info online I went out to my tractor at 11 o'clock at night with a flashlight to check the oil level on the dipstick. I was amazed to find this issue and the next day changed the oil. The tractor now runs with a clean exhaust.
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