I don't understand why anyone ...

Creature Meadow

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
That is great, I'm a little OCD myself. When I'm ill or in a bad mood I organize and clean.

Couple months ago was off a week and found myself washing and waxing the tractor and organizing the barn at 3:30 am.

That was priceless when the door came up.


New member

B7500. FEL, Piranha tooth bar, box scraper, post hole digger, 3 pt. bucket
Oct 26, 2013
Loudonville OHIO
That is funny. I have a 2 car garage and when we moved in I new I was never going to use the door closest to the house so I put a long work bench/counter in front of the door and stated sitting little stuff on the door. Yes I did unhook the opener. That was 11 years ago and that door has never been open. Last summer I was thinking how much different my garage space would be if I could use that door but it doesn't look like it is ever going to happen.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Cleaning and straightening is cathartic. It usually doesn't cost much and the benefits last for months or even years.

Working out of a toolbox while we lived in a rental place, I began this insane remodel three and a half years ago. Most of our stuff was in storage so, even though I had the tools I needed, I couldn't get to them. So I had to buy duplicates. I made the laundry room the "tool room" for the project. In six months of non-stop work, with scores of subs borrowing my tools daily, I never lost one of those tools. That restored my faith in humanity.

Once we brought everything under one roof, I was stomping out fires and doing projects the boss said are top priority. My workshop was last on her list. Stuff was piled nearly to the ceiling. Finally now, I am getting time to get sorted and organized and just knowing where an item is makes you feel so much better. It has literally been like Christmas opening up some of these boxes.

My bro turns 70 next week. I am heading out to visit with him and part of the purpose of my visit is helping him dig through the two layers of boxes that keep him from opening the cabinet and cupboard doors in his garage. Were going through that stuff like Namu the killer whale through a school of tuna. Can you say "GARAGE SALE?"

Time to share the love. :)

Merry Christmas.
