I can't get my Land Pride RCR1872 shaft hooked to my PTO shaft


New member
Oct 7, 2014
North Carolina
I just got my first tractor this past Friday. I got a Kubota L4060HST. I got a Land Pride box scraper and rotary cutter.

I tried everything I could but I could not get the mower shaft to go onto the PTO shaft any further than the ball bearings. I don't know if there is an issue with the mower shaft or if I'm missing something obvious.

It seems fairly straight forward though. I hooked the mower up. Then I line the splines up and slide the mower shaft onto the PTO shaft. It slides up until the PTO shaft hits the ball bearings. I can't get it to slide all the way on. I tried pulling the collar back and trying to slide it on. I tried pulling the collar back and twisting the collar. I tried pushing it on without touching the collar. Nothing seemed to work.

Do you guys have any ideas or suggestions?


New member

Sep 17, 2014
Where it slides on to the tractor PTO... On mine there is a spring loaded button about half way in the hole... When you press it it in it unlocks the hole the pto shaft slides in

You can google it for pictures

Re reading your post it sounds like yours is the collar type... And different from mine... I am sure someone here will give you a fast and simple solution
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L3240 HSTC
Nov 24, 2012
Northwest Iowa
I believe the collar you are pulling back is on the impement's PTO shaft, correct?? I had a hard time with my L3240 when it was new also. If the PTO slides on the first part of the splines,pull the collar back on the shaft and be sure the angle is straight with the tractor's pto and keep trying.The collar releases the ball bearings so it will slide on the shaft. I put a light film of grease on there to help also. It does get better with a little more use.
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New member
Oct 7, 2014
North Carolina
I believe the collar you are pulling back is on the impement's PTO shaft, correct?? I had a hard time with my L3240 when it was new also. If the PTO slides on the first part of the splines,pull the collar back on the shaft and be sure the angle is straight with the tractor's pto and keep trying.The collar releases the ball bearings so it will slide on the shaft. I put a light film of grease on there to help also. It does get better with a little more use.
You are correct. It is the implement's PTO shaft. Based on your description, I'm doing it correctly. Is there anything I can do to get the ball bearings to compress and let it slide the rest of the way on the PTO shaft? I cleaned it and greased it and I even tried putting motor oil on it. I raised and lowered the implement to see if that would help. Nothing I did worked.



L3240 HSTC
Nov 24, 2012
Northwest Iowa
I had to be sure to pull back on both sides of the collar all the way and still had a he** of a time the first few times. Sounds like you are doing everything right, it's just being stubborn. Like I said make sure the angle is straight on also. If I remember correctly, there was paint from the factory on the tractor's PTO shaft which made it more difficult also. If all the equipment is brand new it will fight you the first few times.


New member
Oct 7, 2014
North Carolina
Ok. Thanks for the confirmation Pizzaguy. I appreciate it. I'll keep working on it. I'll check to see if there is any paint on the PTO shaft also. I wonder if it would help to very slightly smooth the edge of the beveled part of the PTO shaft a little?


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rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
It takes two hands. One to hold the PTO shaft from the implement and push toward the tractor and the other to pull that collar back. Make sure your hands are dry as oily hands don't work well.

Russell King

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Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
You seem to be doing everything correctly. You can try to clean/lubricate the balls in the PTO coupler to remove any paint or grime that may have gotten in there.

To make it easier to "practice" you might want to remove the implement so you can get to the PTO easier. Then remove the front half of the PTO shaft and install and remove it from the tractor a few times.

It may be a hassle to remove the implement and the PTO shaft guard but you will want to know how to do both those operations so just consider it practice for the future.


New member
Oct 7, 2014
North Carolina
You seem to be doing everything correctly. You can try to clean/lubricate the balls in the PTO coupler to remove any paint or grime that may have gotten in there.

To make it easier to "practice" you might want to remove the implement so you can get to the PTO easier. Then remove the front half of the PTO shaft and install and remove it from the tractor a few times.

It may be a hassle to remove the implement and the PTO shaft guard but you will want to know how to do both those operations so just consider it practice for the future.
That would make it a lot easier! I'm not sitting in front of it now so I can't see how to remove it. Can you give a brief overview? I wish I would have known that yesterday....lol. It got tough holding the mower shaft up and straddling 3 point hitch arms while fighting with that coupler.


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To remove the front part of the PTO shaft simply pull it away from the gear box. It just slides on, and off. Nothing holding it to remove, just pull it off.

Russell King

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L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
Before you start trying again - ensure the PTO stub on the tractor is clean and well greased up - I would hate to have you get the shaft stuck on the tractor. Grease is a good thing in this situation.

I assume you have the plastic safety shield over the PTO shaft.

Both the PTO shaft and the shield will pull off the half left on the implement.

You may be able to get it on that way but I have trouble getting around the plastic shield (bell) and to the coupler. I routinely loosen the PTO shield and push it back out of the way (toward the implement) and then attach the PTO to the tractor then attach the shield to the PTO shaft again.

There are various ways the shield is attached to PTO shafts, read your manual if you have it. In general right behind the universal joint there is a plastic bearing. The shield will attach to the bearing somehow. Mine (yellow colored plastic) uses screw heads that are offset from the screw shaft so they rotate into a hole to release. That is a bad description but all I can come up with. Others (black colored) have a red plastic lever that is popped open with a screwdriver. Look on the internet for your brand of PTO shaft and shield for help if your manual is not clear.

here is one link that will get you stated and shows you other links

If you can't figure it out, take a picture of the end of the PTO shield and post it back here.

You need to learn how to remove it to lubricate the PTO shaft anyway!
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B7200 4WD w/FEL, 4' disc, 4' Brush Hog, 14" Plow, 4' Blade, JD 246 2 row Planter
Mar 28, 2012
Rainsville, Al
I owned a 2572 Land Pride mower for a few months last year, and if I remember correctly... I had to twist the collar on the implement end of the pto shaft to remove it, instead of pulling back on it. I pulled on that sucker for an hour before finally figuring it out :mad:


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BX1860, FEL, 50" Front Blower, Heated Cab, 6' blade, 3pt carry all, 3pt hitch
Sep 2, 2014
Southern New Hampshire
I had a hell of a time with mine too the first few times. I greased it and it's gotten better but its still a PITA to get on (and off).


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Kubota M7040, F3680, JD Gator 855D
Oct 19, 2013
Creal Springs, IL
I wonder how many geniuses it took to come up with a coupling technique that requires you to push AND pull at the same time. The older style with the sliding lock to me are a lot easier.