I am worn out, I have spent the whole morning on the phone and puter tying to find out about life ins policies, and anuities we found while cleaning out Moms house. And what I found out was a big fat 0 !!!!
Everything has either lapsed or was paid, companies have either meged ( changed names) ,were bought out ( changed names), gone out of business or something else. And the ones I did find will not get me information ,,BECAUSE ,, Im not the policy holder,,,WTF HE'S DEAD!
They want written requests for information and has been notarized and copies of the DOD certificate and the policy numbers Dads SSN, work history, first born KRIST ALL MIGHTY
I under stand there is a lot of low lifes in this world but cheeze louise. Its not like any of us want or need any monies, we just want what ever there is to go into the account that we pay to the nursing home every month, like at 8k, it dont take long to go through a life savings.
OK Im done whining now
Everything has either lapsed or was paid, companies have either meged ( changed names) ,were bought out ( changed names), gone out of business or something else. And the ones I did find will not get me information ,,BECAUSE ,, Im not the policy holder,,,WTF HE'S DEAD!
They want written requests for information and has been notarized and copies of the DOD certificate and the policy numbers Dads SSN, work history, first born KRIST ALL MIGHTY
I under stand there is a lot of low lifes in this world but cheeze louise. Its not like any of us want or need any monies, we just want what ever there is to go into the account that we pay to the nursing home every month, like at 8k, it dont take long to go through a life savings.
OK Im done whining now