I am beat`


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I am worn out, I have spent the whole morning on the phone and puter tying to find out about life ins policies, and anuities we found while cleaning out Moms house. And what I found out was a big fat 0 !!!!

Everything has either lapsed or was paid, companies have either meged ( changed names) ,were bought out ( changed names), gone out of business or something else. And the ones I did find will not get me information ,,BECAUSE ,, Im not the policy holder,,,WTF HE'S DEAD!
They want written requests for information and has been notarized and copies of the DOD certificate and the policy numbers Dads SSN, work history, first born KRIST ALL MIGHTY

I under stand there is a lot of low lifes in this world but cheeze louise. Its not like any of us want or need any monies, we just want what ever there is to go into the account that we pay to the nursing home every month, like at 8k, it dont take long to go through a life savings.

OK Im done whining now


New member

1870-1, LA203A, RCK54
Feb 25, 2016
Sherman County, Oregon
Sorry to say but, best get a handful of death certificates ordered up. FIL passed this last Winter and I believe we went through close to a dozen of them settling his very simple/modest estate.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Skeets, you can complain all you want, but how would you feel if all the available funds were paid to someone else you never heard of?

They're simply protecting the one who purchased the product, to make sure the funds go as requested. You just have to grin and bare it. :D


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
OH yeah I do understand that part Cat and I dont blame then, your right there are a lot of low lifes out there!

The biggest problem is that Mom and Dad kept everything secret, so knowing what was what was not an option. I guess they somehow figured that the Ins company would just make money appear out of thin air when something happened. And we all know how that works even if you know whats going on. So trying to contact the Ins companies and the credit unions and such. We come to find out they have merged and changed hands were bought out and on and on and on. And ofcourse they want information that you do not have. Some of the customer service people are very helpful, others couldn't be bothered. I think I have most everything sorted out, except for about 200 bucks a month from an annuity Im stilling trying to track down. I dont know if Dad got the annuity at 100% so they had more money inthe account when he retired or left it at the 50% for Mom when he passed. The life Ins that was the carrier has changed hands about 6 times since 1984 so its a case for Sherlock Holmes now.

I know I shouldn't do things like this, but those people that gave me such a run around, I called back and got another Rep and the answers were forthcoming and gave me what I needed, there are some good people.
So I will keep looking, anything to help her along,,,ya know what I mean