Hydro Trans Leak again..,.



B2650 Loader,LX 2980-64 Blower ,60”MMM , Land Pride 60”Box Blade.
Oct 17, 2018
Bessemer, Western U.P.
So my Trans leak (2016 BX2670-1)that was fixed at the dealer last May came back again in the same area but worse this time.
I’m waiting to hear back from him as he wanted to charge me last time around for warranty work approved through Kubota.

I’m thinking it’s time to trade up and buy a new one. What’s the downfalls if any on the 2680? I see some complain about the loader attachment and the couplings. I also was looking at the B series , but not sure if I really need to go bigger.


Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
So my Trans leak (2016 BX2670-1)that was fixed at the dealer last May came back again in the same area but worse this time.
I’m waiting to hear back from him as he wanted to charge me last time around for warranty work approved through Kubota.

I’m thinking it’s time to trade up and buy a new one. What’s the downfalls if any on the 2680? I see some complain about the loader attachment and the couplings. I also was looking at the B series , but not sure if I really need to go bigger.
seems a little extreme to replace a good tractor because it has a hydraulic leak. That said though, the BX2380 is a great tractor and the dealership will appreciate your business.


Well-known member

2020 BX23S, Threatened and Intimidated into silence.
Nov 8, 2015
North East CT
Since it was a warrantee repair the last time, the tractor should be repaired again under the warranty. If the dealer tried to charge you for a warranty repair, the dealer is a slime ball, and shouldn't be trusted. I would consider taking it to another dealer, and also contact Kubota for guidance. I wouldn't be trading a tractor with a known problem until the problem is repaired correctly. Even then, I would keep it instead of replacing it. If it turns out to be a lemon, then ask Kubota for some assistance in getting you into a new tractor.


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Lifetime Member

L2501 HST
Aug 17, 2019
Benton City, WA
You have a problem wit a tractor on warranty. The dealer can't or won't fix the tractor correctly. You are considering trading the tractor. That doesn't compute. Consider trading the dealer. If another dealer can fix the tractor and it stays fixed you've solved your problem and saved a BUNCH of money!!!



B2650 Loader,LX 2980-64 Blower ,60”MMM , Land Pride 60”Box Blade.
Oct 17, 2018
Bessemer, Western U.P.
You have a problem wit a tractor on warranty. The dealer can't or won't fix the tractor correctly. You are considering trading the tractor. That doesn't compute. Consider trading the dealer. If another dealer can fix the tractor and it stays fixed you've solved your problem and saved a BUNCH of money!!!

I thought about another dealer. I don’t know if they will want to mess with it after another dealer has.



B2650 Loader,LX 2980-64 Blower ,60”MMM , Land Pride 60”Box Blade.
Oct 17, 2018
Bessemer, Western U.P.
Since it was a warrantee repair the last time, the tractor should be repaired again under the warranty. If the dealer tried to charge you for a warranty repair, the dealer is a slime ball, and shouldn't be trusted. I would consider taking it to another dealer, and also contact Kubota for guidance. I wouldn't be trading a tractor with a known problem until the problem is repaired correctly. Even then, I would keep it instead of replacing it. If it turns out to be a lemon, then ask Kubota for some assistance in getting you into a new tractor.

He did try to charge me for half the warranty repair. I involved Kubota and he back peddled. We left on ok terms and I’m giving him a second chance to make it right. I guess I’m just over it and looking to possibly move on. I love the tractor but can’t have down time with snow season in full swing.


Well-known member

2020 BX23S, Threatened and Intimidated into silence.
Nov 8, 2015
North East CT
Tell this to the dealer, and ask him for a loaner that your snow blower or blade will fit on, so you don't incur extra expense having to hire out for snow removal. Ask a lot, get a little... don't ask, you get nothing!


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
It's a 2016, meaning it was sold around 2016? Kubota tractors do not have year models officially.

If so, it was 2016-ish, the limited warranty is probably expired by now (even if it was extended warranty?). Warranty (remember that word that is in front of it? Limited) doesn't last forever unfortunately. If a repair is made and kubota pays for it, and then the warranty expires. Let's say for instance a month later the same complaint comes back up. There are several choices. The tractor is now out of warranty and getting Kubota to help with it is close to impossible (not totally but they've changed policy in the last year or so and "goodwill" requires partial participation from the dealer and customer). That doesn't set well with me or anyone else but that's the way they do it, and will continue to do it--until things change. Option 1, return it to dealer who did the work and ask them to find the source of the problem and call you with estimate. Option 2, tell them to just fix it. Option 3, (my suggestion) find the source of the failure, then call you with what it is and why. At that point you will know if it's something that the shop did or if it was totally unrelated. There are a hundred places for oil to leak out of so if you had it in for an axle seal once and now it's a hydraulic hose leaking, they are gonna say it's unrelated, and they might not be wrong. See this is where nobody wins, not the shop, not the tech, not kubota, and certainly not the consumer. I deal with it all the time. But we have to remember a lot of things. Warranty has limitations set forth by the manufacturer (does anyone read the booklet?). Also, these and every other machine is comprised of many different subsystems that kind of intertwine with each other to make the machine work. What's that mean? That means if you replace a spark plug and a week later the blade bolt comes loose, it will be impossible to prove that the person that replaced the spark plug is at fault for the blade issue.

When I did service management, and thank goodness I don't anymore, most people would not even begin to fathom the amount of money that the shop pays out on a weekly basis to fix stupid stuff like that in the name of customer service. Basically, at one time, it was costing us $5300 a WEEK (on average) to keep people happy. Yeah sometimes it was the shop's fault. Most of the time (large majority) it was not, it was simply a function of "well I had it in for you to check the tires last week and now the steering wheel is loose"....that kinda stuff. That's a lot of money to piss away, but trust me, they don't just eat it. There's a reason shop labor rates are as high as they are and they keep going up all the time. Car dealers have everyone spoiled but did you ever stop to ask yourself why cars cost $50K+? Because half of that pays for that purdy dealer and pays the dumb blonde behind the service counter's wages, just so that you (the customer) feels all happy inside like you got a "good deal". Tractor dealers haven't caught up with that yet but the way things are going, it won't be long....



Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
It's a 2016, meaning it was sold around 2016? Kubota tractors do not have year models officially.

If so, it was 2016-ish, the limited warranty is probably expired by now (even if it was extended warranty?). Warranty (remember that word that is in front of it? Limited) doesn't last forever unfortunately. If a repair is made and kubota pays for it, and then the warranty expires. Let's say for instance a month later the same complaint comes back up. There are several choices. The tractor is now out of warranty and getting Kubota to help with it is close to impossible (not totally but they've changed policy in the last year or so and "goodwill" requires partial participation from the dealer and customer). That doesn't set well with me or anyone else but that's the way they do it, and will continue to do it--until things change. Option 1, return it to dealer who did the work and ask them to find the source of the problem and call you with estimate. Option 2, tell them to just fix it. Option 3, (my suggestion) find the source of the failure, then call you with what it is and why. At that point you will know if it's something that the shop did or if it was totally unrelated. There are a hundred places for oil to leak out of so if you had it in for an axle seal once and now it's a hydraulic hose leaking, they are gonna say it's unrelated, and they might not be wrong. See this is where nobody wins, not the shop, not the tech, not kubota, and certainly not the consumer. I deal with it all the time. But we have to remember a lot of things. Warranty has limitations set forth by the manufacturer (does anyone read the booklet?). Also, these and every other machine is comprised of many different subsystems that kind of intertwine with each other to make the machine work. What's that mean? That means if you replace a spark plug and a week later the blade bolt comes loose, it will be impossible to prove that the person that replaced the spark plug is at fault for the blade issue.

When I did service management, and thank goodness I don't anymore, most people would not even begin to fathom the amount of money that the shop pays out on a weekly basis to fix stupid stuff like that in the name of customer service. Basically, at one time, it was costing us $5300 a WEEK (on average) to keep people happy. Yeah sometimes it was the shop's fault. Most of the time (large majority) it was not, it was simply a function of "well I had it in for you to check the tires last week and now the steering wheel is loose"....that kinda stuff. That's a lot of money to piss away, but trust me, they don't just eat it. There's a reason shop labor rates are as high as they are and they keep going up all the time. Car dealers have everyone spoiled but did you ever stop to ask yourself why cars cost $50K+? Because half of that pays for that purdy dealer and pays the dumb blonde behind the service counter's wages, just so that you (the customer) feels all happy inside like you got a "good deal". Tractor dealers haven't caught up with that yet but the way things are going, it won't be long....

What he said^^^! having also worked for too many years as a service manager I'll just add this, We lost money on almost ALL service calls if the tractor was on warranty! I quit the service manager job and went back on the bench for the last 10 years until I retired because I just couldn't handle the stress.
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Brick Axelrod


L5460, BH92, RCR1872, FDR2572.RTVX1100c
Apr 12, 2018
South Carolina
If they gave you a hard time about a warranty issue while it was still in warranty I would get it fixed by another dealer if possible and not give them anymore business. There are a lot of dealers that are good, don’t give the bad ones business and they will eventually go away. Just my opinion.



B2650 Loader,LX 2980-64 Blower ,60”MMM , Land Pride 60”Box Blade.
Oct 17, 2018
Bessemer, Western U.P.
It's a 2016, meaning it was sold around 2016? Kubota tractors do not have year models officially.

If so, it was 2016-ish, the limited warranty is probably expired by now (even if it was extended warranty?). Warranty (remember that word that is in front of it? Limited) doesn't last forever unfortunately. If a repair is made and kubota pays for it, and then the warranty expires. Let's say for instance a month later the same complaint comes back up. There are several choices. The tractor is now out of warranty and getting Kubota to help with it is close to impossible (not totally but they've changed policy in the last year or so and "goodwill" requires partial participation from the dealer and customer). That doesn't set well with me or anyone else but that's the way they do it, and will continue to do it--until things change. Option 1, return it to dealer who did the work and ask them to find the source of the problem and call you with estimate. Option 2, tell them to just fix it. Option 3, (my suggestion) find the source of the failure, then call you with what it is and why. At that point you will know if it's something that the shop did or if it was totally unrelated. There are a hundred places for oil to leak out of so if you had it in for an axle seal once and now it's a hydraulic hose leaking, they are gonna say it's unrelated, and they might not be wrong. See this is where nobody wins, not the shop, not the tech, not kubota, and certainly not the consumer. I deal with it all the time. But we have to remember a lot of things. Warranty has limitations set forth by the manufacturer (does anyone read the booklet?). Also, these and every other machine is comprised of many different subsystems that kind of intertwine with each other to make the machine work. What's that mean? That means if you replace a spark plug and a week later the blade bolt comes loose, it will be impossible to prove that the person that replaced the spark plug is at fault for the blade issue.

When I did service management, and thank goodness I don't anymore, most people would not even begin to fathom the amount of money that the shop pays out on a weekly basis to fix stupid stuff like that in the name of customer service. Basically, at one time, it was costing us $5300 a WEEK (on average) to keep people happy. Yeah sometimes it was the shop's fault. Most of the time (large majority) it was not, it was simply a function of "well I had it in for you to check the tires last week and now the steering wheel is loose"....that kinda stuff. That's a lot of money to piss away, but trust me, they don't just eat it. There's a reason shop labor rates are as high as they are and they keep going up all the time. Car dealers have everyone spoiled but did you ever stop to ask yourself why cars cost $50K+? Because half of that pays for that purdy dealer and pays the dumb blonde behind the service counter's wages, just so that you (the customer) feels all happy inside like you got a "good deal". Tractor dealers haven't caught up with that yet but the way things are going, it won't be long....


It’s under the drivetrain warranty until 2022, 6 years from the purchase date in 2016. Kubota warranty pamphlet specifies trans leaks are covered.



B2650 Loader,LX 2980-64 Blower ,60”MMM , Land Pride 60”Box Blade.
Oct 17, 2018
Bessemer, Western U.P.
What he said^^^! having also worked for too many years as a service manager I'll just add this, We lost money on almost ALL service calls if the tractor was on warranty! I quit the service manager job and went back on the bench for the last 10 years until I retired because I just couldn't handle the stress.

Yes, Unfortunately the dealers agree to flat rate warranty reimbursement when taking on the dealership.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Hey Lugbolt, don't forget a part of that 50K goes for those donuts and coffee and the string of light left on all night!:D



B2650 Loader,LX 2980-64 Blower ,60”MMM , Land Pride 60”Box Blade.
Oct 17, 2018
Bessemer, Western U.P.
I fixed my leaky tractor issue..
I signed on a B2650 with deluxe cab and loader with MMM. No more snow in the face while blowing. They gave me $150 less than I paid for the tractor. I thought that was not to bad.


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Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
I fixed my leaky tractor issue..
I signed on a B2650 with deluxe cab and loader with MMM. No more snow in the face while blowing. They gave me $150 less than I paid for the tractor. I thought that was not to bad.
That's one way to fix a leak! Good luck with the new tractor! you will like the cab in the winter. Some complain that the HST is loud on the B2650 cab but they have been a bulletproof tractor and will hold value just like the BX did!

North Idaho Wolfman

Staff member
Lifetime Member

L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
I fixed my leaky tractor issue..
I signed on a B2650 with deluxe cab and loader with MMM. No more snow in the face while blowing. They gave me $150 less than I paid for the tractor. I thought that was not to bad.
Well your not going to move much snow with that, you ain't got a bucket! :p :D