Hydraulic/transmission replacement on l1500dt



Apr 15, 2017
For the life of me I can't find the dang filter. The shop manual says an access plate should be behind the left step. Where is it?

Also what is this little square threaded bolt that looks like I should put oil in it?

To drain the fluid I removed the very large 24mm? bolt from bottom of transmission. I removed bolts from bottom of both rear diffs. So three drain bolts. Am I missing any? There is a little square bolt forward near where transmission joins clutch housing that looks like the square bolt I asked about earlier. Seems small to be a drain bolt.

When I drained the diffs the fluid looked like mud. Is there anything I can put in to try to flush more junk out that's less expensive than more hydraulic fluid?

Thanks for any help!
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North Idaho Wolfman

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If it even has one it will be the under the nut that holds the suction line on the other side.

The case your looking at I assume is the front wheel drive gear case.
Because you have DT the manual is worthless to you for this as there was never a L175DT, and no US model used that type of case that I can remember.
Look by the clutch pedal for the fill and level plugs.

Only use hydraulic fluid to flush it, and on your model you can use cheap universal fluid to do it.



Apr 15, 2017
Thanks wolfman for the info. The first pictures are related to the fwd. I did follow the suction line but didn't see a plate and it was the opposite side so was doubtful but now that you mention maybe this actually is it? This is on opposite side near bottom.


Russell King

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Austin, Texas
Look exactly on the other side of your tractor from your picture.
There should be a domed shape piece held on with two bolts. There will be a tube screen behind it. There is a spring and o ring also. You may have to use needle nose pliers to grab the screen and pull it out. After you remove the cover all you may see is a little circle sticking out where the spring would fit on and push it into the tractor. Grab that and gently remove the screen and clean it. Use carb or brake cleaner in spray cans and then diesel or kerosene to clean it

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Apr 15, 2017
Thanks! Finally found it hidden under fwd gear case right where it should be. Looks like I need to remove this linkage that is pinned and then can hopefully get it out. Looks tight...

Bill based on the Japanese writing in that screenshot you got an actual l1500 manual? How did you obtain that?

Thanks folks! Appreciate the assistance!

Russell King

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L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
To drain the fluid I removed the very large 24mm? bolt from bottom of transmission. I removed bolts from bottom of both rear diffs. So three drain bolts. Am I missing any? There is a little square bolt forward near where transmission joins clutch housing that looks like the square bolt I asked about earlier. Seems small to be a drain bolt.

When I drained the diffs the fluid looked like mud. Is there anything I can put in to try to flush more junk out that's less expensive than more hydraulic fluid?

Thanks for any help!

Now that you have it drained and the filter located, I will suggest a few things to do...

On rear cases make sure there are not multiple drains. Mine had two per side so open the lowest ones to drain that part better.

Search for FAST TRANSMISSION FLUSH on the service and repair section. Use a 5 gallon bucket of inexpensive fluid to directly go into pump. Use a pvc pipe into the pump inlet hose from bucket.
Leave the drain open and just let it drain directly out. Cycle all hydraulics that you have time too, not much time to do since pump is about 5 GPM!

Buy yourself a cheap hand pump that fits the 5 gallon bucket. You will be happier than trying to pour fluid into your tractor.

Then when you fill it use inexpensive fluid like TSC Traveler universal tractor fluid. Run that for some time to help uncorrupt the fluid. There will probably be water left in so you may be draining it sooner than you expect. No need to buy expensive fluids at first. You can run cheaper fluid or switch up to UDT at your choice.

Keep you tractor under a roof if possible. The water may be getting into it from rain although yours looks like it was in water from rust patterns in pictures. If you can't keep it under roof come up with some way to cover shifter levers and the steering wheel. Some use 5 gallon buckets. I use a cement mixing pan from the Home Depot type place

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Apr 15, 2017
Thanks Russell good info. I read up on the fast transmission flush. Is there potential for me to break my hydraulic pump? Not good seal on inlet etc?

Since my transmission is empty isnt it bad to run? There are still gears turning in there even in neutral.

I already bought 12 gals of the travelers at 35 or so for 5 gal from tsc. The other they had was shell at 70 for 5 gal! Heck I want to at least get it mowing and feel it's going to be solid before I drop that in trans oil! :)

I haven't even used the tractor yet. I bought it from a guy who had it under a leanto but it has obviously been out in the rain before that for a while.

I did replace a bad shifter boot when I replaced the reverse gear so maybe water got in there. Definitely some water in it. The steering box was mostly rusty water as well. It's been under a tarp since I've had it.

Thanks again for the advice and help!
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Russell King

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L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
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Austin, Texas
I don't think you will damage anything. I used the method on my l185 and had no problems. I did have a leaking seal on the pump but don't recall if that was before or after this process.

You don't have to use the process really it may just save one fluid change

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