Oh Josh, that just blows! You have been through so much drama with this poor tractor. It is nice to hear the seller will take the pump back. Wife will be much happier.Well, it's been a few days, I've been lurking and not posting. The swap didn't go well. The pump that is supposed to replace my original doesn't have the same drive on the end of the drive gear. My original has splines and the aftermarket replacement has a rectangular tapered key like on a distributor shaft. My local Kubota dealer cannot tell me the difference in parts number as there was a part number break depending on serial number. Of course, I have the earlier model and it is...wait for it.......discontinued. Luckily, the seller says he will take it back. The saga continues.....
Maybe a PM to Vic can help resolve a pump search
Good luck and thank you for keeping us posted.