Problem appears to be solved by replacing both Proportional servo valves for Forward and Reverse. Ran it for 10 minutes and it operated smoothly in forward and reverse.
This was very frustrating to diagnose as both coils read within specification and their spools moved freely. What can't be checked is how the electromagnetic coil moves the internal components of the spool valve.
One proportional valve had some corrosion on the 22mm nut, but this seems irrelevant at this point. I may try to take one of the valves apart to better understand why they failed. Disassembly of the valve will be destructive in nature.
Proof problem is solved will require longer run times, but at this point I'm feeling somewhat comfortable the problem is resolved.
For those who have the intellipanel, it's worth knowing how to navigate the various diagnostic screens. There is a good bit of information available.
Thanks to all who participated or followed along.
For those not familiar with the Grand L's 40's and 60's most operator inputs are by wire using potentiometers. Linkages for the most part don't exist for cruise, throttle, pedal, etc...