I have a BX1860 about 11 months old with about 80 hrs on it. It is a HST so has 2 pedals plus brake pedal. When using the forward pedal or the reverse pedal and only creeping up to something like hooking on trailer or whatever when I take my foot off the pedal it continues to creep on, sometimes for 6 feet or more. This happens in both forward or reverse. When I first got the tractor it did not do that. I had the 50 hrs inspection done by the dealer but when their mechanic tried it in the summer that particular day it worked OK.
What I do to stop it is just very lightly touch the opposite pedal and it will stop and sit there like it should. It seems like the pedals are not fully returning to the neutral position quick enough or sometime not at all.
Has anyone ran into this and what did they do.
I have a BX1860 about 11 months old with about 80 hrs on it. It is a HST so has 2 pedals plus brake pedal. When using the forward pedal or the reverse pedal and only creeping up to something like hooking on trailer or whatever when I take my foot off the pedal it continues to creep on, sometimes for 6 feet or more. This happens in both forward or reverse. When I first got the tractor it did not do that. I had the 50 hrs inspection done by the dealer but when their mechanic tried it in the summer that particular day it worked OK.
What I do to stop it is just very lightly touch the opposite pedal and it will stop and sit there like it should. It seems like the pedals are not fully returning to the neutral position quick enough or sometime not at all.
Has anyone ran into this and what did they do.