You probably paid retail for them if you bought them off the snap-on truck. Bulk set is probably between $200 and $300, could be more. Individually they are probably between $80 and $100 ish depending on the size.
You probably paid retail for them if you bought them off the snap-on truck. Bulk set is probably between $200 and $300, could be more. Individually they are probably between $80 and $100 ish depending on the size.
It is my understanding that the small wrench set, is about $300, for 3/8-1". I can't pull up any prices today, but last night I looked, and it was $1500+/- for the set that goes from 3/8"-1-5/8. So I figger I paid about 1/2 price or more, on the big wrenches. Also picked up a B&D 9" grinder with a 6" cup wire brush, for $25. I know that the cup brush, alone retails for about $30...