How to Tie down a tractor


Well-known member

Jan 21, 2018
Around here, I am surprised when I see a trailer with working lights. I borrowed a trailer from a guy and when I hooked it up the lights did not work. He did not know they did not work because he had no wiring on his truck to plug them into. I passed a guy I work with one morning at 5:30 on the interstate with no lights on his trailer. I told him about it when he got to work and his response was ***8220;I know, that is why I did not go thru town cause I might get a ticket***8221;. Oh, but it is ok to kill some innocent driver on the interstate who cannot see your black trailer in the dark. Idiots!


Well-known member

L 3301 HST
Feb 28, 2017
At a gas station the other day, a guy with a 30' fifth wheel trailer pulled in next to me, with a mini X on it. I always look at other rigs, being a somewhat new X owner/operator, and quickly determined I had been wasting a lot of time and money messing around securing it before transport. I told him this, and then told him I was going to take a tip from him and no longer bother, since he had ZERO tie downs on it, it was obvious they were not needed. Ha ha, big yuck, as I expected, he had pulled out of a building a half block away and was going back there, no big deal. So I guess I will continue to secure mine as I have been doing.

North Idaho Wolfman

Staff member
Lifetime Member

L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
you aren't immortal even if you 'think' you are.
Oh, I know I'm not immortal, I've come way to close to biting the farm, some by my own doing and some by others, one slip on the banana peel one direction or the other and that's all she wrote! :p ;)


Active member

M7040 4WD ROPS, ZD28, Woods (84” box blade, 72” harrow, 48” pallet forks)
Feb 27, 2019
Kathleen, GA
My local dealer loaned a tractor to a farmer last year. The farmer was moving the tractor from one field to another and pulled the tractor onto the flatbed and pulled onto the dirt road. He went around a curve and the unsecured, very nice Kubota with cab, tipped off the trailer and landed on it's side in the ditch. The cab was totally demolished and there was significant damage to the hood. I ask the dealer rep who was paying for the tractor and of course he said the farmer. Lesson learned. Strap them down.


Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
I always make an effort to make sure my stuff is secure. I put a chain through the front bumper of my Kubota tractors which then extend diagonally forward left and right, and a chain binder to make it tight. On the back, I go through the drawbar opening, same methodology, and another chain binder. If the loader is sitting flat on the trailer deck, I don't tie it down. If I'm towing two tractors at the same time, I have to raise the loader and set the bucket down on the gooseneck of the trailer. In this case, I use heavy strap and ratchet the bucket securely to the gooseneck. Additionally, all tractors are always in low range, 4x4 engaged, and parking brake applied.

Frankly, if something happened while I was towing and some of my equipment came off and killed or seriously injured someone, it would be hard to live with the fact that my negligence / laziness cost someone else everything.


Well-known member

b2650 tlb
Aug 16, 2018
Knoxville, TN
What ever happened to the member from Tenn. (I think) who was moving his tractor on an apparent one lane road with the loader up in the air? He kept saying it's perfectly legal, but I bet if this happened to him he'd find a different answer!
Maybe it's him in the picture. That loader is pointed straight up in the air :rolleyes: