That's thar's funny right there... don't care who ya are...
Most implements get left out in the dirt, mud, rain and sun. Spoiled ones like mine get a covered shelter but that's pretty rare. So they get all kinds of garbage in those release pins and it causes them to require a bit more than 'minimal effort'.
Glad I could provide some levity, but I was serious.
My implements sit outside, uncovered, 7x24x365 or 366(grin).
I have 3 w/push buttons. If any are hard to press, they get a shot of
used motor oil. Keeping the head outta the dirt and off the ground helps.
Yes, I do the hammer method when needed, but usually, it's not needed.
FWIW...many years ago, dad drilled out his push button and used a grade 5 bolt and double nut.
He never seemed to have a problem(big grin).
To connect an implement, I always start w/the fixed arm.
Next is the PTO shaft, followed by the adjustable arm.
Top link is last.
Only deviation is when I hook up my tiller....PTO shaft is first. It's a bit too long.
Adjustments are made using the HST and/or a 5' metal bar.
HTH...have fun...notnew....