How to avoid overfilling the tank with diesel - Suggestions needed

Elliott in GA

Well-known member

LX 2610SU w/535,LP RCR1860,FDR1660,SGC0554,FSP500, DD BBX60005
Mar 10, 2021
North Georgia
I use a diesel plastic can from Home Depot. It lays on the tractor hood, and the flow control is easy to operate by pushing down. The spout allows plenty of viewing of the tractor's tank level as it fills.

If 5 gallons is too heavy to lift, buy a couple to put a couple of gallons in each.



Well-known member

Jul 19, 2020
Crazy thing is I have one of those 115 powered transfer pumps that'll sit into 45g drums,used once,collecting dust. Both neighbours have 200 + 500G drums on trestles,gravity feeds. Maybe an option ??

Yeah, that IS crazy. You have the gold standard sitting right there, and you are messing around with jugs and overfilling. With a nice pump like that, you have the ability to plumb in a nice filter setup, both for sediment and for water, giving you the cleanest possible fuel, and you are messing with jugs?

Find out how much it will cost you to have a 55 gallon drum of #2 off-road diesel delivered, and compare that to what you are spending now. I'll bet you'll save money, and I know it will be a whale of a lot more convenient and you have that option of a sweet filter setup.

If your needs were greater, you could pick up a standard home heating oil tank (often free or cheap on Craigslist in areas that use them) and have 275 gallons on tap, and have it delivered when it needs a refill.

#2 diesel and home heating oil are identical, BTW.


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
3, 10L jugs are easy to get to gas station ( after 4pm, 10c/L cheaper...) and will last me a long time,easily a month or more as I really have zero use for it at my house. I have just about 700hrs on the tractor in 3 years,so haven't gone through that much diesel.

I could have had 200g of home heating oil for free but it was 8-10 years old, and it'd probably be 'bad'



Feb 24, 2020
curious, I grabbed the manual on it..
I can't use it on my BX23S with he can on the ground and doubt it'd reach if on the floor as the hose is only 3' long. Manual says 'nozzle' has to be held vertically ,so that'd take a fair amount of 'length''.
I can't lift 5G cans,so I use the 2G ones. Even then it can be interesting but I don't go through a lot,often.
Crazy thing is I have one of those 115 powered transfer pumps that'll sit into 45g drums,used once,collecting dust. Both neighbours have 200 + 500G drums on trestles,gravity feeds. Maybe an option ??
So if you can get the 5 gal jug to your outer foot rest......that fueling wand will reach your it does on my BX2380....which is basically the same tractor as the BX23S ...minus the wider ROPS, rotating seat and Backhoe set up.