The neighboring “ranch” was previously owned by a vacant owner who merely wanted to “flip” it….but hadn’t done his homework… one of my runways blocks public access to that property … he discovered he couldn’t flip it to a developer…. So, To pay the loan interest and taxes on his 570 acres…. he allowed “hunters” onto it. These city-dwellers had no respect for the land and would dump animal carcass/waste out on the roadways…. and my adoptive dog would bring something disgusting “home” occasionally…. so I’d dump it right back into the middle of their “campsite”…..for it to rot and await their return the following weekend.We have game cams in areas remote from the houses and move them once in a while so folks don’t get used to where they are. Our non-development neighbors know that because we’ve had to call a couple of them. Like the one that was upset with my father over something and urinated on the corn pile in front of Dad’s deer blind. Had to call him and tell him we didn’t need any more pictures of his shortcomings. Been pretty effective for keeping things orderly on our property. The neighboring undeveloped land I can’t do anything with other than look at it and shake my head.
I know we could put in WiFi repeaters and do something more sophisticated. For now the game cams keep people honest except, like you said, can’t very well aim them at the public road and probably wouldn’t get plate numbers anyway.
This led to a “discussion” about their “hunting” habits … (They would auto-feed corn to deer and sit in “blinds” to ambush them. I suggested to them they could go to a cattle feed-lot and shoot Angus over the feed-troughs ….and discover their “hunting” success would provide some Great Eating while they’d not have to put up with deer-guts being returned to their campsite anymore!)
They quit dumping on the roads. (Their slob-hunting killed everything over there including jackrabbits, armadillos, …everything.… you can’t find a living Insect over there ….where a virtual animal-habitat wilderness once existed.)
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