what i can find = 882 lbs @ pinI have a L2550 with a LA450 FIL. Any idea what the lift capacity would be? I'm thinking on getting a bolt on hay spear and going with round bales instead of small square bales. But I need to make sure I can lift them, or the whole idea is a bust!
I saw that on tractordata. Add a bolted on spear which moves the weight out father, I'm sure the lift would go down quite a bit.what i can find = 882 lbs @ pin
Bulldog, thanks for the pics. It looks like you roll back the bale right off the truck getting the weight back to the tractor. Nothing wrong with that.Here's a L3000 with LA450S, Kubota fork back plate and 42" spear.
As far as 3pt goes you'll need some weight on the back and when it comes to lifting hay the loader and 3pt are about equal.
These are 4x5 rolls from a Vermeer baler. Here are a few pics of it in action, even a night shot with chicken lights.