How does my 500hr suction screen look? (Kubota BX)


Oct 30, 2018
Silver Creek, NY. USA
Hey guys, so I purchased my 2013 Kubota BX 2370 used last fall, the tractor had 425hrs on it.. The tractor had never seen a loader in its life and was only used with a belly mower to mow a large farm. I purchased a new LA340 loader for it shortly after buying the tractor off the gentleman.

When the weather finally warmed up I finally had a chance to detail the tractor and give it a closer look/inspection to the tractor and it’s components.
The tractor looked fantastic specially after a good cleaning but then I noticed it still had its original (grey painted) transmission oil filter and my heart sank, I knew there was a major service due at 400hr but had assumed the previous owner did it already. Once I saw it still had the original trans filter I knew he didn’t service anything else either. He did however do the engine oil and filter changes and the last one he did was at 375hr. (As it was written on the filter)

At this point the tractor has 500hrs on it so I immediately ordered a full OEM Kubota filter kit from eBay along with 3 gal. Of Kubota Super-UDT2 hydro fluid, 1 gal. of Rotella 15w-40 wt. engine oil along with 80w-90 wt GL5 for the gearbox in the MMM and for the front axle on the tractor.

At 502Hr. (Yesterday) I did a full service to the tractor/loader, and mower deck. I feel SO much better now knowing that it’s all finally done and that I KNOW it was done right with and with the proper fluids.

My only real concerns:
—Tractor was at 500hr before the original trans filter and oil was replaced (Filter suppose to be swapped with a new one at 50hr)
—Tractor had 500hrs on it and the suction strainer was never pulled and cleaned (suction strainer should have been pulled and cleaned at 50hr or 400hr. Mark/s)

To be honest the tractor has always run perfectly for me and the transmission has always been quite, the suction strainer looked to be pretty dirty but nothing worse than anyone else’s I have seen.. Iv seen people pull the suction strainers out at 200hrs and they looked almost as bad as mine at 500hrs so I’m gonna assume that since the previous owner never had a loader for it and only used it to mow that it prolly never worked the tractor all that hard enough to cause any damage.

What do you guys think? Would you be concerned?

Below I will post pics of my suction strainer when pulled for the very first time yesterday at 502Hrs, let me know what you guys think.
The larger pieces of debris seemed to be RTV or like a gasket material.. even those long pieces sticking straight out were actually a gasket material and were not metal shavings, the only metal shavings I really saw was just specs, all the big clumps were more like a fabric or gasket material from when the transmission was assembled I would think.

All in all I bought a USED tractor.. so I can’t be mad about it, I got a killer deal on it and 500hrs isn’t THAT far past due.. I was really more concerned with the transmission than anything else.

I really think she’s gonna be just fine but again just wanted your input and maybe some comments of at what hrs. you guys did your full service to your Kubota BX’s and how did your suction strainer look compared to mine?


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Well-known member
Lifetime Member

B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
that looks very good to me.

In your last pic posted, is that a small hole in the screen at the bottom of the filter or just a bad pic?



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
It's fine. Quit worrying. Worrying shortens your lifespan.


New member

BX1860, FEL, 50" Front Blower, Heated Cab, 6' blade, 3pt carry all, 3pt hitch
Sep 2, 2014
Southern New Hampshire
Nothing to worry about there. Looks VERY good for 500hrs. Now go beat the snot out of her lol. :D


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Mine looked a lot worse at 50 hours than that one did at 500!

Kubota BX 1860


BX 1860, oops, traded it for a BX2370
Jun 23, 2011
Raymond, ME
I've been sort of kicking myself for not doing the strainer at 50 hours on my BX2370. After seeing yours, guess I'll quit fretting about it.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
I've been sort of kicking myself for not doing the strainer at 50 hours on my BX2370. After seeing yours, guess I'll quit fretting about it.
I'd recommend that you take a look at it anyway. I've seen many posts recently where the screen was all gunked up with apparently sealant on BX machines.

It'd be worth peace of mind.


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
What you have at 500 hours is nothing compared to what was on the screen in my neighbor's BX 2370. He just did his and I was there when he pulled it. First let me say he bought it brand new and the dealer was supposed to do the 100 hour drain clean and refill. He has almost 500 hours on his and his screen was caked with what appeared to be gray permatex form a gasket compound. No metal shavings that we could see and even used a magnet to check for iron filings.

I would have to agree with the techs on this one... you did good! Enjoy the tractor!