How Can I Break It

old and tired

Well-known member

L2800 HST; 2005; R4
Not sure if I would have thought about punching a hole in the grill while using the grapple
Funny this should come up after the other thread about loaning it to a friend... That's exactly how I got a hole punched into my front grill. Friend wanted to rip out bamboo. Got the tractor back and did not notice for a little while but as soon as I saw it.... I started to work on the front grill :giggle:

For the record, I did not care about the damage and I never told him about it either. It's a tractor, not a garage queen...

Creature Meadow

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
Had my 2011 L4600 since 2014.

What I've broke...…...
* Busted headlight somehow!
* Torn boot on from right axle
* Punched hole in from right tire, plug fixed it been good for about 5 years
* Scratched paint on hood
* Worn the paint off the bucket, during service each year I paint over those places, sure it wears off again but it does protect it.

What I have done to help it last.....
* Add fuel treatment summer and winter and a biocide to prevent any algae growth
* Keep fuel tank 3/4 to full after each use
* Added rubber stall mat to floor and step to reduce slippage and preserve it.
* Give in an annual was and wax in the spring
* Grease it with Amsoil grease every 10 hours
* Change oil every 2 years
* Check air pressure and air filter almost every use, replace air filter each year
* Few people borrow my tractor or even drive it. My uncle being one and that is about it!

Good luck!


bx tractorjoe

Active member

kubota l2501 upgraded from a bx23s john deere 670 husquarvana huv 4421 gxp
Jun 3, 2020
loxahatchee flordia
Don't drive it into a puddle that's actually a lake... don't go down hills sideways and never use cheap oil and filters..

Yeah if a buddy wants to use it tell him to rent one and get insurance will most likely need it.. even friends will treat there buddy's stuff like its a rental.. and a free on at that