Honey Says "Bucket Quit Liftin!" (B6200DT)


New member

B6200DT/fel sold the JD450 (blade & hoe) investigating 35-55hp TLB's
Sep 10, 2013
Heart of the GreatLand
We've had our B6200DT (manual trans) with B1630 fel since late '80's; it's my wife's tractor (750+hrs). Have WSM, tractor & loader Operator's manuals. Fel has never been off; there are no hydraulic line quick disconnects.

Recently one day, Honey says bucket was kind of jerky when lifting, then lifted slower and slower then next to nothing, all in fairly short order.

I dumped the tranny/hydraulic tank, examined the suction screen and fluid (clean and good) strained fluid & refilled. (As expected; have done this 3 times previous because machine moves snow when it's chilly, and fluid characteristics make huge performance difference: I know you all will be skeptical but Kubota SuperUDT2 is worth it's exorbitant cost in our conditions)
I replaced 2 rubber hose suction line sections: larger one connecting main suction line from tranny to suction side of hydraulic pump, and smaller one connecting "block type outlet direct acting relief valve" to suction side of pump. {this one was cracked, thought I was home free; no such luck}

With engine running (about 1300 rpm):
1) Loosened/tightened fel single lever control valve supply line (from "block type outlet") and a couple other connections. Fluid comes out But Doesn't Spray.

2) When loader control operated to raise bucket, cylinders seemed to slightly "bump" but nothing moves.

3) 3 point hitch will fully cycle; raise, lower, and hold position; however raising will cease when minimal resistance is applied.

4) With a lift and FEL control valve lever held in correct position, I completely cycled the 2 pairs of cylinders 3 or more times.

5) When bucket fully raised, control lever neutral, and lift lowered; bucket drops about 4" then holds.

6) Bucket will roll out (dump) but won't roll back without assistance, and when control lever in "roll back" position, bucket will slowly Roll Out. When control lever moved to neutral, the position holds.

7) Fluid can always be observed returning to tranny when filler cap is off; and will flow out of filler if engine is much above idle. I kept checking to see if the returning fluid looked cloudy (air getting sucked in somewhere) but it never did.

With engine off and bucket raised, bucket will very slowly bleed down, maybe a foot in 30 minutes; I'm guessing that's normal.

All this monkeying around definitely got some air out; I probably added about a quart of fluid. Didn't notice any coming out a vent.
Unfortunately this didn't really change anything.
Since I fully cycled all the cylinders at least a few times, I'm guessing more of the same won't solve the problem...

WHEw! That was a really boring account of this amateur adventure…
Here's hoping someone's Still Awake!
I've been trying to convince myself there's a pressure relief valve or some such that's stuck partially open, but my amateur diagnostics keep pointing to the hydraulic pump and/or the "block type outlet",,,

Can anyone think of any other possibilities?
Something else I should check out?

If it is the pump, is there a reasonable chance I'll just need O rings and an oil seal? Or should I plan on coughing up for another pump?
There is a dealer here, but, Yikes!
Any recommendations for other parts sources?

Sincerely appreciate any suggestions / advise!


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Lifetime Member

May 25, 2011
Welcome aboard. Sorry about your troubles. I am not an expert in hydros and you have already done everything that I could suggest but there are some hydro experts on here. It might take a little time but one of them should chime in.

Good luck and keep everyone update - that is how everyone learns.:)


New member

B6200d tractor/loader
Feb 19, 2013
Grass valley ca.
Sorry I can't help, But I will be monitoring this post closely since I am also having issues with my B6200D 3 pt hitch not raising unless I slightly roll the FEL. I hope you can get your issue solved and I might learn something along the way. This is my first year with my first tractor. This is a great site, i am sure someone is going to have the answer. Good Luck!


Aug 23, 2012
Northport Maine
I am a mechanic by trade, but don't know that much about hydraulics. If it was mine, I would do the same as you did, and at this point I would assume the pump is the culprit. But that is just me. They are tough. And 750 hours is not much. Does the sudt2 make a big difference in the cold? I also have a B6200D that is used to move snow. Boy it has to run for a while before the fel will move in the cold.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
You didn't say or I missed it, did you change the filter? and did you use a Kubota filter to replace it?

Since it's the FEL and 3 point it's probably the pump, I would pull it and check the O-rings.
The block is just that a block with 2 ports and 2 O-rings, But if it blew one of those o rings out it would only effect the loader and not the 3 point.


New member

B6200DT/fel sold the JD450 (blade & hoe) investigating 35-55hp TLB's
Sep 10, 2013
Heart of the GreatLand
Honey Says "Bucket's Liftin Better'n ever!"

Godder Done!

Really glad I happened across OTT; sincerely appreciate your interest and encouragement.

Wolfman, your observation about the block outlet is a good one I hadn't considered.
Since this B6200DT has a manual tranny, it only has a suction screen; no hydraulic cartridge filter like the HST.

Rparkinson, you were skeptical about the low time pump being a problem and so was I.
Yes, Sudt2 makes night and day difference here. Talkin Huge. If I lived in Oregon, I'd likely not go there, but I've been at least partly around this block… THF has to do 2 different things at the same time; Gear Oil (or ATF), and Hydraulic Fluid; they are very different critters… Lots of big iron is going the same direction as Honey's 'Bota, one reservoir for both. Makes a lota sense if the lubricant is up to it.

Best info source on lubricants of all kinds I've come across is www.bobistheoilguy.com.
Frankly, being somewhat aware of what they talk about there, I would not, in any event, put Wally'sWorld 15-40 in da 'Bota.
For paybacks to you fine folks here on OTT, when I get a round TUIT, I'll post a diatribe on Winterizin' Da 'Bota… On this, I'm up to speed.

Trinidaddave, It is possible what fixed Honey's will take the burp out of yours, presuming All the air's out and there's zero suction side air leaks; in any event it's easy to do, so…

Here's what was 'RRonG!
The B1630 FEL control valve relief cartridge (70050-02252) was moving, but wasn't completely closing.
I unscrewed the cap, loosened both the nut & next threaded fitting a fair amount. Sprayed teflon lubricant in the threaded tube and threads, blew it out, sprayed more, then thumped the block with a small plastic hammer several times. Tightened everything back up, thumped some more and repeated 2wice.

Cranked the engine and the hydraulics were snappy, even at idle!

I missed the obvious clue which was #7 in my original post: there should Not be Any fluid returning to the tranny from the FEL control valve Unless FEL cylinders are Moving!
Now you know why my forehead is flat… it's from all them dope slaps!
Alls well that ends well!