Lorenz and others offer a factory pto kit, designed to operate front mount implements. Driven in same manner from rear PTO gearbox. I am building a front PTO hydraulic drive similar to that offered by MK Martin of Canada for their snowblower. Other folks offer this type of drive unit. The speed increaser was just received to power the pump. Auburn Gear Of Indiana offers unit, converts 540 rpm to 2025 rpm. Hydraulic pumps require this speed for adequate volume. Front drive motor mounted to mower itself and rear pump are from surplus center in Nebraska. The Auburn Gear drive was the expensive component, $950. Unit will produce 32 gpm at 2500 psi. Winter shop project, plan to only power a front mount mower initially but other applications may follow. The MK Martin website offers photo clarification, pump driven by rear pto by shaft with rear tank 3 point mount. The Lorenz unit is all gear driven but I am skeptical of the reduced ground clearance. Mine will only have two hydraulic hoses front to rear tank. Minimal case drain oil will be collected at the front, minimal amount anticipated when shut- down occurs at low speed. Tractor hydraulics only raise and lower loader and dump function serves as hydraulic top link. Mount will be quick attach. Set up will resemble bobcat hydraulic finish mower if you review that application. Mower mount will also pvovide 8 " of float for contour adjustment. Able to cut tall grass by raising loader instead of adjusting each caster wheel. Just tired of driving over grass before mowing. Also avoid neck strain from looking back at mower while avoiding front obstacles. Loader arms will also float when mower wheels engage ground. Anyone read to the end? Long winded, for sure but Keeping everything out front, priceless!