Hog damage

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
From what I was reading on a bbq forum a while back these don't even smoke all that well since they're wild and don't have much fat. They're basically "garbage" meat like those horrible asian jumping carp that invaded the Mississippi.
Yup, got a sow down in florida. Weighed about 130lbs. Smelled like swamp water when cooking it. And was like chewing on sole of your boot :rolleyes: Not to mention it tasted terrible :rolleyes: Talked to some old timers down there. They would catch them live, corn feed them in a small pen for a few months to get rid of the swamp and then fatten them up. After three to four months, it was time for the fire pit :D


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2014 Kubota MX 5200 with 6 la1065 loader, sq172 Bush hog shredder, 6 ' Armstrong
Feb 25, 2016
victoria tx 77904
I'll share with you what I have learned about repairing hog damage so far. It just makes them really really happy to have someone to turn the soil over for them, saves them work and they can make it look worse faster.


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BX22, FEL, BH, 40" pto tiller, 42" Bushog Squealer, pto hole digger, B7300 w/60"
Mar 25, 2014
Canton, MS
Feral hogs are plentiful along the MS river bottom and I've killed my fair share. Mississippi has no closed season on hogs. I've had one of the dozens processed and also smoked whole pigs. I'm with Daren Todd. There is also no way it is legal to sell feral hog meat in stores in Texas. They're nasty animals and carry numerous communicable diseases that will pass to humans. Anderson Tully Co., the people we lease hunting land from, says if we don't want to fool with the pigs to kill them and let them lie. Coyotes and buzzards have to eat too.

Another story, my son was bow hunting deer on our lease last year. He stuck a big doe, sat in the stand 20 minutes or so before trailing her. When he found the deer he had to defend himself from the hogs that got to the deer first. Fortunately he carries a .45 on his hip for just such an event.