HI- and first question


New member

Jul 17, 2010
Neosho, MO
I recently purchased a new B2920 with a 60" Kubota belly mower. From the dealer, it was about 1" off from side to side. I am having trouble with the mower scalping and it appears to be cutting way lower than the dial adjustment indicates. Also, the mower is "streaking", or leaving visible marks from each blade. I assumed that, since the length of the blades allows for some overlap, that there should be a pretty even cut. Can someone help me with adjustments? I am almost to the point of regretting the decision to buy this machine :( - I had a lawn tractor with a 54" cut that seemed to leave a much nicer cut to the lawn.


Orange Tractors


L175 w/Woods L59, Allis Chalmers WD
Jul 19, 2009
Butler, MO
Hi Steve,

Are the blades tight on the mandrels? The scalping sounds like there is a linkage out of adjustment, or improperly installed. Another thing that could cause it is if the tire pressure is not even. My L175 has to have 12 pounds of pressure in both sides or ugly things happen to my yard, of course the tires on it are 13.6-16 turf tires, roughly 40" tall.

Since this is a new mower, I would think it should be covered under the warramty.



New member

Jul 17, 2010
Neosho, MO
Have not checked the mandrels yet. I did the side to side check like recommended in the book, and that was how I discovered the difference there. Is there an easier method than lowering all the way down? I could not get my hand, let alone a tape. ruler. or other measure under there. I wound up using a piece of 2" tube as a reference. I adjusted the linkage on the right side to raise to the same level as the left and adjusted the roller wheels while on the concrete. My yard is not the most level, but I could do without the divots at every turn. Garden tractor had the same type of mower/rollers, I was always able to adjust it to perform really well, lots better than now. How much is too much on the front being lower than the rear? Could this have anything to do with my problems? I will call my dealer tomorrow, but don't expect much help. Tractor was delivered a gallon low on fluid - the manual recommends the Kubota fluid; they gave me a product manufactured by a small refinery/blender in the local area. I felt like they should have stepped up and given me the Kubota fluid - am I being too picky?

Orange Tractors


L175 w/Woods L59, Allis Chalmers WD
Jul 19, 2009
Butler, MO
Have not checked the mandrels yet. I did the side to side check like recommended in the book, and that was how I discovered the difference there. Is there an easier method than lowering all the way down? I could not get my hand, let alone a tape. ruler. or other measure under there. I wound up using a piece of 2" tube as a reference. I adjusted the linkage on the right side to raise to the same level as the left and adjusted the roller wheels while on the concrete. My yard is not the most level, but I could do without the divots at every turn. Garden tractor had the same type of mower/rollers, I was always able to adjust it to perform really well, lots better than now. How much is too much on the front being lower than the rear? Could this have anything to do with my problems? I will call my dealer tomorrow, but don't expect much help. Tractor was delivered a gallon low on fluid - the manual recommends the Kubota fluid; they gave me a product manufactured by a small refinery/blender in the local area. I felt like they should have stepped up and given me the Kubota fluid - am I being too picky?


I just checked the operators manual for my Woods mower. It says that under certain conditions the casters can push the grass down so far that it doesn't spring back up in time for the blades to cut it evenly. Also, for the front to rear bias of the deck, no more than 1/2" lower on the front, when measured over a distance of 32".

Since I don't have the same mower you do, I am not sure what you are measuring; but if it is cutting height, here is a suggestion from the Woods manual. Find out how far the blades are below the deck, then while on concrete, measure for the top of the deck to the concrete. simple subtraction will give you the answer.



New member

Jul 17, 2010
Neosho, MO

Thank you for your response. It does make sense to measure from a known distance, now that I think about it; I just got plenty frustrated while trying to measure "just like it says in the manual". I was going to measure the blade tips front to rear, but think I can get about as close by measuring the deck bottoms. Also, the dealer told me to bring the tractor by and they would make sure that everything was set up per the specs. Evidently, they pulled the mower from another tractor so I could get it quicker, said that it may not have gotten checked 100% before delivery... Hopefully, we will get it right!



New member

None- I get to play with everyone elses stuff
Apr 1, 2010
Kubota has a special dial with an arm that your dealer should use during every predelivery inspection to level the deck before delivery. The dial number isnt exact with the height, but should be very close. Sounds like it is just a couple adjustments away from being as good as your other mower. Be sure that the caster wheels are set at the correct height according to your operator's manual. If that other fluid meets the same spec, it is probably alright to use, but we use kubota udt or super udt, depending on what it calls for.


New member

Jul 17, 2010
Neosho, MO
Dealer is going to take a look at it tomorrow. Pretty sure they will find the problem if they check. The mower was pulled from a 2320 and put on my 2920, I'm sure that they just got in a hurry and didn't completely check it out. Tehy were pretty helpful when they called me back - I offered to do the checks if they would just give me a range to look for, but they told me to go ahead and have them check it out. We'll see what happens!


New member

Jul 17, 2010
Neosho, MO
Good news! Dealer offered to adjust the mower; called later and said they would not be done until the next day. Turns out, the mower had not been installed or adjusted correctly. The owner personally apologized and assured me that it is not their practice to send out new equipment this way. The tech told me that in addition to my adjustment of the 1" variance from side to side, that the front to rear was out almost 1 3/4". The mounts were not installed to spec, or something else to that matter. My original manual for the 60" deck looked like someone had spilled soda or something in the middle of it. It was all wrinkled, sticky, and had ~200 dead ants inside it. Owner saw it and ordered a new one to be shipped to my home. After my initial worries about the dealer, they have really stepped up to take care of things. Very impressed with them at this point!



New member

Jul 17, 2010
Neosho, MO
Forgot to mention - they tested it by mowing some of their lawn, then had me test to make sure I was satisfied with the cut. Unbelievable difference!