Here Are the 46 Senators Who Voted to Turn Your Gun Rights Over to the UN


New member

B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
Assault Weapons? To buy those "automatic weapons" you have to have a CLASS III license issued by the Feds!

Standard "black" guns are no different than hunting rifles or 22 rifles kids shoot. One trigger pull=one bullet at a time.

Wonder if they are gonna come up with a hammer ban as more people are killed each year with hammers than black guns.

More gun free zones... That'll keep us all safe. Oh... wait... nevermind.
I couldn't agree with you more, these pro gun reform people are clueless to the whole situation. Like I said before MA has some of the toughest gun laws in the country but everyday there are shootings and thugs getting arrested with a crap load of heroin, 9 times out of 10 they have a gun on them. That proves tougher laws do not keep the guns out of the wrong hands. I'm pretty sure you can't own an AK here as well as any high capacity clips for any gun.

The pro gun reform people are as ignorant as they come. In my opinion, the hard core pro gun people aren't helping the situation to educate people. For instance the situation at the bundy ranch where all of those people were standing up to the govt and strutting around with their guns. It doesn't freak me out, but that makes them look like nut jobs and gives the Dems fuel for the fire. I feel if there is ever a ban on any guns it will be in MA first because this is a left wing state. I wonder how many left wingers in Boston wished they had a AK they day of the Boston bomber man hunt!


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ


Agreed. Its all about education. And, only lately, is the NRA attacking the anti-gunners head-on. After all, the numbers speak for themselves. State after state that enacts concealed carry laws sees violent crime go down markedly. They, the anti-gunners answer is more laws and more restrictions on law abiding citizens. What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome! Just like passing more laws that criminals ignore anyway. Criminals will ALWAYS have guns.

The anti-gunners ask you to trust the police when, after precedent-setting court cases, the courts have said the police are here to protect the public at large, NOT the individual. And yet there are many who wish to take that right of self defense away from everyone. Look at England and Australia. The lady who did that has an office in the USA.

Funny how when a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. When a liberal doesn't like something, he wants it banned. Tolerance at work. And if the facts don't bear out the emotional argument, mess with the facts. Like Global Warming...




Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
What is amazing to me is the number of women that are now carrying! Training classes are full and 70 to 90% of the participants are women. I think every young woman should know how to use a firearm and be trained in proper firearm safety and use.
I know that almost every young Lady that has been around me more than a week has learned all about the use and how to maintain one and to hit what they shoot at a high percentage of the time. Daughters, ex wife, sister, nieces, cousins and anybody else that wanted to learn. Granted not all carry and that is their call, but the largest number do and are confident in the knowledge they can defend them selves if need be.


Active member

L235, bx2670
May 30, 2009
chickamauga ga usa
10-4 skeets.. My partners wife and one of his daughters carries. My wife is a shooter but none of the guns I have "compliment" her,, too big. I bought her a Ruger sr22 this week and she loves it. Came home from work the other day and it was laying on the kitchen table. She said, " Sit down and watch this". She showed me how she had been practicing picking the gun up, flipping the safety off and aiming, punching the mag out and reloading. I was impressed. Going next week to get her a carry permit.
My dad is 79 years old and he carries a Ruger revolver.



2014 B2650, LA534A FEL,B2781B Snow Blower, Land Pride RCR 1260 Land Pride RB157
Sep 23, 2014
East Troy Wisconsin USA


Agreed. Its all about education. And, only lately, is the NRA attacking the anti-gunners head-on. After all, the numbers speak for themselves. State after state that enacts concealed carry laws sees violent crime go down markedly. They, the anti-gunners answer is more laws and more restrictions on law abiding citizens. What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome! Just like passing more laws that criminals ignore anyway. Criminals will ALWAYS have guns.

The anti-gunners ask you to trust the police when, after precedent-setting court cases, the courts have said the police are here to protect the public at large, NOT the individual. And yet there are many who wish to take that right of self defense away from everyone. Look at England and Australia. The lady who did that has an office in the USA.

Funny how when a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. When a liberal doesn't like something, he wants it banned. Tolerance at work. And if the facts don't bear out the emotional argument, mess with the facts. Like Global Warming...


Remember when seconds count the police are only minutes away!


Well-known member

BX2230D - RCK60-22BX - BX5450
May 18, 2010
Hayward Wi
The average response time for a 911 call is 21 minutes.

The response time for a 9mm is 1250 ft per second!


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Lifetime Member

L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
I teach CCW here in AZ...

I had a nice divorcee ask for a private class. Very good at gun handling and accuracy. She later wanted me to do a gun safety class with her ex and his kids as well as her kids.

On a private range, we started with the 22 rifle. The kids were 15 down to 5 years old. One girl, aged 13. Everyone liked the rifle. Then we started pistols with the .380 and moved to the 40 cal the father had. Then, the dad broke out his .12 ga Remington 870. The mom shot. The dad shot. All the boys lined up but the daughter chickened out.

The last kid in line was the 5 year old. We were shooting "all-purpose" low-recoil from Wally Mart. I simulated a couple recoils into his shoulder and he was still smiling. We loaded up two rounds and I helped him hold up the end of the barrel. Both rounds were right on target and he ran to the table to get two more rounds and get back in line. All in all he fired six rounds that day and I gave him a high-five for being THE MAN. That kid was sooo cute and excited after that range time. He couldn't have weighed 70lb.

Firearms. Another GREAT way of teaching maturity that the anti-gunners overlook. I remember when kids used to take guns to high school so they could duck hunt in the afternoon. Nowadays, the school people go berserk.

One of my instructor partners is a high school teacher in a pretty bad area of Phoenix. Her principal told her to frame up one of her targets and hang it in the computer lab where she works. It will give her tons of street cred with the kids. She's really a great shooter and, as a single mom, has raised all her kids to be shooters. Good for them! She is THE PERFECT teacher to arm up. AZ is talking about doing it and I hope they do.
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