Problem with radiator. After 20 minutes use of our B1700 Kubota the radiator fan is working but not able to cool down the water into the radiator and steam is escaping from the rubber hose attached to the cap where you pour the water. When we stop the tractor and check, the quantity of water lost in the radiator is around one to one and a half litres. This particular tractor doesn't have a temperature gauge and a natural cool down. There is no leaking around the hoses or the radiator itself. THANK YOU
I'll give that a shot. Water goes through the block and gets hot. Then it goes through the radiator and transfers its heat to metal fins attached to tubes that water goes through. I'm not trying to be a smart A here. Something is not happening with one of these things in your tractor.
With the engine off see how easily you can turn the fan pully. If it turns pretty easy your belt is not tight enough.
Look at the front of the radiator. Clean it. See if there is a screen on the front of it full of debris.
Only one thing left now, water not circulating. Radiator clogged or restriction somewhere in the engine.
My guess is that if the outside of the radiator is clean and the belt is tight, I would say the odds are the radiator is clogged. Wierd things could happen like a gasket blown in a way that forces too much gasses into the radiator for water to circulate but that is a slim chance. That is the kind of thing that would happen to me.
Maybe now the experts here will step in an get us straight.
How about letting us know what the problem is when you find it.
Good luck,