HAZARD LITES Kubota L2250 4 WD


New member
May 14, 2010
hudson falls,ny 12839
I bought a used Kubota which I’m happy with. Problem someone ripped the wires off the hazard lights and the tail light. Here's the wires. YELLOW goes to the left tail light as well as a blue wire with a white strip. On the right side it is just hanging under the fender. RED/BLUE goes to the hazard lights. BLACK is???? BLUE is ??? The wires are hanging off the parts but not connected under the seat. How should these be connected?
ALSO - how do the hazard lights work? I pushed the hazard switch down and temporarily connect wires and nothing blinked?


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
I'm not sure about the colors of the wires but I would either want to check them with a meter or a test light to find out what is what.

The very first thing I would do is check the fuses to make sure they are all good.
Depending on what type of light you hooked the wires to it may not have been grounded properly. Some lights need to be mounted to get a proper ground or they just simply won't work. For this reason is why I would use another test method to find the correct wires.

If you are using a test light to check them I would first try it on a known hot wire to insure of a good ground and then start on the wires. On the hazard light wires it will light up the test light in the same flashing pattern as the normal hazard lights.

Since you are only dealing with a few wires it should be a quick and painless job to trace them down.

I hope this will help you and good luck.


New member
May 14, 2010
hudson falls,ny 12839
Bulldog-thank you for your suggestions. It doesn't solve the problem but it is a great start. You have given me some ideas. It kind of baffles me that I can not locate a wiring diagrams for the lights (all of them) that has the colors listed. Usually diagrams indicate.......red wire to this instrument lets say and blue to this. I have a CD of the tractor operation manual. It has official Kubota information but shows only REAL basic stuff. In this case it is only a simple drawing with no color of wires. Do you know what color wire goes to what? (Hazard & tail lights)


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
The biggest reason that I didn't just identify the colors for you is that you should never just assume your colors will do the same job. I don't even take that for granted if I'm working on the same model. Even though they should be the same doesn't always mean they are.

Here is what collors I have and where they go on my L 3000.
Right side= red goes to hazard light, green goes to running light, yellow is a spare
Left side= red/white stripe goes to hazard, yellow and green not used

I looked back on your original post and see that we share a couple of colors and the rest we don't. You may even look at another model just like yours and the colors not be exactly like what you have. That's why I always want to check it for myself before I hook a wire to anything.

Good luck with your lights.