having issues with older type wheel hubs, these are the answer.


Lifetime Member

B6000DT / B7100DP /B8200DT/L225/Globe PTO Chipper/Lewis Backhoe/huxley TR66
Nov 22, 2009
Leafy England....
hi guys
like a lot of other kubota owners/user have found, the rear wheel hubs on a lot of the earlier B series machine are, how should i say, "poor" and of a less than ideal design.
If you are sick of fixing/cutting/welding them and 10 mins later they still wobble around, you really should upgrade to these.
The hubs for later b series machines such as the B1550/1750 etc are a far superior unit alltogether, i aquired a set fitted to some rims a while back and fitted them to my B6000, problem solved and hasnt returned.(with the new hubs that is)
I later transfered the wheels/hubs to my B7100 with same excellent results.
Problem was that i then had the original items back on my 6000 and its wobbly time again.
Anyway , two sets came up on ebay today for £40.00 a set, needless to say i snapped them both up straight away,so that solves all my possible wheel/tyre combination without having to keep disasembling the hubs also.
I really excellent mod for a really anyouying problem and cheap also. If you get the chance to buy a set or see a set, don't mess about just buy them, you wont regret it, it saves so much hassle, time and just makes life just that little bit easier.

have a good one.

