Your response indicates your character!Thanks for the value-addyou clearly lack the mental capacity to formulate a logical response. I was hoping you'd chime in for a good chuckle.
Your response indicates your character!Thanks for the value-addyou clearly lack the mental capacity to formulate a logical response. I was hoping you'd chime in for a good chuckle.
Yep thats the one, thanks for the correction.I agree with all you wrote, except it was the National Firearms Act of 1934 passed by FDR that required citizens to go thru background checks, etc in order to own a fully automatic weapon.
"If your healthcare providers report all instances, good for them, but I doubt your statement is based on fact."You should probably get clarification, mandated reporters report when/if there is a plan in place to act on homicidal or suicidal ideation and not for every instance.
Here's an excerpt from IL DHS: "notify the Department of Human Services (DHS) within 24 hours of determining a person is: "Clear and Present Danger" or "Intellectually Disabled", and notify the Department of Human Servies (DHS) within 7 days of determining a person is "Developmentally Disabled"; as defined in the Firearm Owner's Identification Card (FOID) Act Section 1.1." not all homicidal or suicidal ideation is identified as "clear and present danger." If your healthcare providers report all instances, good for them, but I doubt your statement is based on fact.
"As far as you being targeted, maybe you need to consider your life choices if you feel that people are out targeting you. Most likely, you aren't on anybody's radar."
ah yes, white privilege in it's purest form. My life choices have resulted in a comfortable life for my family and I - doesn't mean I'm protected from some openly or closeted racist MAGA/Qanon//Nazi asshole or other domestic terror organization.
So according to you, groups watchlisted by FBI and other organizations should bear arms because you "don't want to infringe on their rights"?
Regarding your comment about me not mentioning liberal groups - please re-read my comment. I threw Antifa in there as well - or are they only liberal when it fits your agenda?
Again, according to you, limiting firearm access to groups that have means and motive to take lives with firearms is not ok? Limiting access to those deemed by a professional to be mentally unfit to own a firearm is not ok? Please educate me on this logic and how it would allow Nazi's to take over. The logic here is ridiculous.
I know the police is not obligated to protect me or anyone else, they are a revenue generating organization that assesses crime after the fact and helps deter crime in some instances - which is why your statement of putting police in schools is yet another Fox News bandaid you place on the problem.
Another F for comprehension, I never said no other country has gun violence issues. I said like ours does. Even in the countries you mentioned (some of which ours had a major hand in funneling guns into and destabilizing), do not hold a candle to us in terms of domestic terror using firearms - especially in schools and places of worship.
I'm curious if you'll share the same "guns for all" sentiment if more Black Panthers rallies or BLM rallies included guns and open carry, or will you all and the NRA cry like you did in the past because a non-white nationalist group was exercising their rights?
Arm teachers.One thing that I wonder about is how do we keep guns out of the hands of people with mental issues? I keep thinking that anyone that could/might/would, for example, go into a elementary school classroom and kill, or attempt to kill, all the little kids and their teacher, must have some kind of mental or psychological issue.
It’s hard for me to think anybody, no matter what their position is on gun ownership, could object to preventing people with mental illness from owning guns.
The real question is how do you keep weapons out of the hands of people who might actually have mental issues which are not apparent ?
It’s a damn difficult question. But I would like to think that it is something that we could all agree on.
I realize the counter argument would be that in the end we would have to prove that we are not mentally incompetent. But is this a realistic argument?
I don't agree with the "arm teachers" answer to the problem. Teachers are already overworked and underpaid and parents expect them to raise their kids while at school. Now you ask them to act as armed police too? If my wife was told she had to carry while teaching, she would not teach anymore, and quite honestly it's the kids that would suffer for it. I'd have no problem with a teacher carrying if 1. they wanted to , and 2. they were specifically trained to (and I don't mean a simple CCW permit class, I mean real hands on active shooter training). I also think if they chose to carry, they should also get paid to do so.Arm teachers.
“An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.”
Unfortunately many won't read through this post in its entirety which is a pity since it's excellent and insightful on so many levels.Instead of looking at laws, which this killer broke multiple laws, we need to start looking at society. If you really want to do something, get rid of the laws that requires these teachers to be sitting ducks in the schools. Take away money from Congress for all the "hired guns" they have protect themselves and start giving that money to the schools so they can train and equip the teachers to protect one of our most valuable assets. Quit telling adults that it is someone elses job to provide for them, protect them, and they aren't responsible.
If you think passing more laws will stop these attacks, you have been fooled. If that was the case, there would be no need for all the armed security we have throughout the nation protecting everything from money to individuals. The simple realization, the firearm is the best tool to protect something you value. The modern political wave is to remove police from the schools.
I say, we remove the police from the political leaders and place the police in schools protecting our most valuable assets. We can always get more politicians.
I understand one side of the argument but I agree that there's a better short or long-term solution. As far as I'm aware, the vast majority of bank tellers aren't armed because protecting bank assets isn't the responsibility of bank tellers.I don't agree with the "arm teachers" answer to the problem.
"If your healthcare providers report all instances, good for them, but I doubt your statement is based on fact."
My statement is based on fact.
"white privilege in it's purest form."
I will have to admit, I'm confused by this statement. So you have worked hard and succeeded. Many on this forum has done the same. Some have worked hard and not succeeded. What does that have to do with the simple fact that the vast majority of the people in the United States are not on some secret list to be target and killed.
You are correct in the statement that I'm very concerned and against the government taking ANYONE's rights away. Limitations were put on our government and we were setup as a nation as a REPULIC to protect the rights of the majority AND the minority.
You are confusing RIGHTS with committing crimes. You have a RIGHT to believe that your race, your religion, your whatever, is the right answer. You do NOT have a right to commit a crime in the name of your beliefs. I do not support or believe in the Nazism cause, but they have a right to belief. I do not believe in the KKK, but the do have a right to the belief. Groups do NOT have a right to commit crimes to further their belief, such as burning crosses in people's yards. Yet, if they want to peacefully protest on public property they have that right just as BLM, ANTIFA, or any other group.
You willingness to toss aside person's right to provide yourself with a false sense of security is concerning. This nation is built on defending the RIGHT of the individual and limiting the power of the government.
Again, I will refer you back to history, groups become in power, Germany, China, etc. and in the name of making the nation safer the governments trampled on the rights of the minority groups. This is all great when you are in the majority, but when you are the minority, you quickly find out how important our Constitution and laws are that protect the individual.
Well, I'm not sure where I said that Fox News was my source for putting police in schools. If you read, I used the logical comparison of what do we do to protect our assets? We hire armed people to protect it, money, buildings, other people. If we use hired people to protect other items that we consider of value, why wouldn't we want to put armed people (i.e police) in the schools to protect our most valuable asset? It isn't a band aid, but a very real technique that is used all over the world to protect valuable assets.
I have no problem with my reading comprehension, you have a problem with facts. You like to ignore any that don't fit your agenda. You ignore all the other attacks that occur in the world and then try to state that the US is the worst.
Here is one of many that you could easily fine:
Understand just because you repeat a lie, doesn't mean it is the truth. You paint the whole US like it is a giant shooting zone, which in reality when you take out the 5 major metropolitan areas, all controlled by Democrats, you will find that the US is one of the safest nations regarding guns even with all the guns we have available.
As far as churches, I follow that topic very closely. Your conveniently forget about all the Christian churches that have been attacked in Africa and the Middle East. India has burnt down more than 300 churches. I can tell you for a FACT churches in the US are safer than churches in other areas.
Why are Christians being targeted in India? – DW – 12/30/2021
A surge in attacks on Christians in India is part of a much broader malaise, experts say. "The objective is clear: to isolate and demonize minorities so that a Hindu state is established," a political scientist told
Again, stop believing all the media lies and start researching. The information is out there, but you continue to state lies and try to present them as truths.
Finally, I'm assuming you haven't read or comprehended any of my previous post based on your last paragraph. The answer is YES, I support the rights of the groups BLM, Black Panthers, KKK, pick a group to lawfully assemble and if open carry is legal, absolutely for them to legally carry. When they are LEGALLY meeting LEGALLY carrying, I don't have any issues, they are being LAW ABIDING citizens exercising their RIGHTS.
What I don't support from any group is burning buildings, property destruction, attacking individuals, or any other breaking of the law and I don't care what group you are part of.
Just because I support their RIGHTS, doesn't mean that I support their cause.
I can tell by your post that you and I are on opposite spectrums, but that is okay. I will support your RIGHT to opinion and to your beliefs, but I will not allow you to trample my RIGHTS.
Agreed 100%, unless they are compensated to the extent or better than private security contractors, were willing, and had hundreds of hours of hands-on firearm training similar to that of the military, I'm not for it. You would end up trusting the lives of children around "average Joe" with a gun and poor aim to shoot an aggressor...what if a child was hurt as a result? What if the teacher was disarmed due to lack of training? What if, what if, what if.mmI don't agree with the "arm teachers" answer to the problem. Teachers are already overworked and underpaid and parents expect them to raise their kids while at school. Now you ask them to act as armed police too? If my wife was told she had to carry while teaching, she would not teach anymore, and quite honestly it's the kids that would suffer for it. I'd have no problem with a teacher carrying if 1. they wanted to , and 2. they were specifically trained to (and I don't mean a simple CCW permit class, I mean real hands on active shooter training). I also think if they chose to carry, they should also get paid to do so.
A more practical solution would be to pay folks that are already highly trained to protect our schools. This is done in many places but not everywhere. I don't know what the best answer is, but "arm teachers" is not it in my opinion.
I'm ok with having a psych eval done as a prerequisite to purchasing a firearm, not sure why anyone else would object unless of course 1. They have psychiatric issues that they know would prevent them from owning a firearm or 2. It's a "hassle".One thing that I wonder about is how do we keep guns out of the hands of people with mental issues? I keep thinking that anyone that could/might/would, for example, go into a elementary school classroom and kill, or attempt to kill, all the little kids and their teacher, must have some kind of mental or psychological issue.
It’s hard for me to think anybody, no matter what their position is on gun ownership, could object to preventing people with mental illness from owning guns.
The real question is how do you keep weapons out of the hands of people who might actually have mental issues which are not apparent ?
It’s a damn difficult question. But I would like to think that it is something that we could all agree on.
I realize the counter argument would be that in the end we would have to prove that we are not mentally incompetent. But is this a realistic argument?
Here come the conspiracy theories denouncing the existence of a tragedy. Have some shame, there are many parents and family members suffering a tragic loss and you're questioning it's legitimacy... What a joke.How can an unemployed 18 year old loner buy two expensive rifles that cost about 5000 dollars plus expensive body armor and drive a 70 thousand dollar Ford pickup truck? Then enter a school through an UNLOCKED. Back door? Nope something isn’t right here
This is laughable, every gun I've purchased required minimal screening. Yeah they run your name through a registry or two to make sure you're not a repeat criminal, but that's about it. Even getting a carry concealed pistol license involves some basic criminal history screening.
The ability to easily purchase guns needs to be limited, period. There are no mental health screens done, no psych profiles, no radical affiliations screening (especially in the bowels of the internet where most of these sick fucks brainwash eachother), nothing of the sort. The whole process is dated and needs modification. People who are deemed mentally unfit to own firearms, have a history of initiating domestic violence, or associate themselves with domestic terror groups shouldn't own them regardless of what dated 2nd amendment law exists.