I just picked up a grey B7000 thats been sitting in a field uncovered for the past oh... maybe 5 years. Got it home did oil changes. took apart the injectors and cleaned them up. fresh battery and hit the key after a little glow. It spit and fired up after about 5 minuets but as soon as it fired it went FULL throttle
and died. after a few rounds of this i could keep it running by feathering the throttle up and down. I found the sweet spot to keep it running but the engine surged to full throttle and back to "idle" and it continues to do this for almost 20 minuets. After that time it settles down and runs perfect. throttle works correct and smooth. Any ideas what the issue is because its got me baffled
. I assume the injector pump but i hear they are the last thing to go bad. Help!