Just throwing this out there for consideration. I am 74 and have have worked around machinery for literally 64 of those years. (Family Business ... child labor was a necessity back then.... and it was fun and kept me and my younger brothers out of trouble..

and we learned a lot)
Well... with that being said .... I ain't as agile as I used to be so greasing my "stuff" became a little arduous. So some time ago, to make things simpler, I invested in a Lincoln pneumatic grease gun and a 3/4" thick 4'x5' rubber mat (my neighbor gave it to me) to lay across equipment (Kubota RCK mower deck). The mat cut down on belly, chest and arm bruising when I serviced the deck while still on the tractor.
It also helped when I would visit a doctor I was not constantly explaining where I got all the bruises in the first place.
Life was good! minimal body bruising and all I had to do was pull the grease gun trigger .... no more pumping the old grease gun!
The above helped immensely... but being four days older than dirt I still got super sore! The best way to explain it is; Imagine an old fart on his belly, on a rubber mat, with a kick butt one handed grease gun in one hand and the business end of the whip hose in the other trying to grease a RCK60-24B MMM while installed under a B2410. There are 14 grease fittings on that mower deck and drive line. 7 of the 14 are buried under the tractor centerline with all the MMM mounting lift brackets dead balls in the way. Needless to say it gets quite crowded under there real quick and the contortions I had to get into to get to the zerks goes without saying.
My chiropractor's wife loves me... she said I single handedly put her youngest kid through undergrad...

. I figured out a way to make more room under the tractor, free up one hand and cut down on the cuss'n tremendously.
My wife and I are retired and she's always wanting to "help". Now... don't get ahead of yourself I did not put her under the tractor. Besides she won't fit. (She does not read OTT either). What I did was buy a 48" grease gun whip, a box of small latex shop gloves and a shop apron for her to wear. Now having both hands free I can slip under the tractor to do my thing. My wife stands beside the tractor squeezing the grease gun trigger as I request it. Not Bad Ehhhh!